is this really happing to me?

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hey guys this is the frist story i have uploaded on here so please tell me what you think in either a comment or a PM thanks love,kelsey

"Drew, get up now, or we are going to be late to school AGAIN!!"

I never got a replay when I yelled up the stairs to my brother, so I went to the kitchen and asked our chef Robbie to give me the biggest bowl he had. Which he handed it to me with a big smile. He know how evil I could be at times. I went to the sink on the over side of the big room and stuck the bowl under the icey cold water I just turned on.

I carried the big bowl up the stairs and opened my brothers door quietly and tip toed across his carpet to where he slept in his king size bed. I lifted the bowl over his head and poured as I said, "Get the hell up"!

He jumped out of the bed as soon as the water hit him.

"Good your up, now go dry off and get ready. We need to left in 30 min." I walked out of the room, went back downstairs, and give Robbie the bowl back. As I headed back up stairs to finish getting ready I heard my brother talking to someone on the phone, I guess it would be his ho of the day, Samantha.

My brother is beautiful even to me. His name is Drew Vann Dan. He is 17 years old and attends West Brook High school where he is a junior. He has black hair and green eyes with the perfect nose and lips in this city. He has a six-pack from working out to stay fit and cause he is on the football team. The girls lust after him(but to me they are all hoes) and he always has a new one each day. Lets just say he gets a lot of action.

I, on the other hand am 15 and a sophomore at the same school. My name is Delilah Vann Dan. I have black hair like my brother, but much longer and darker then his. I have just the right color blue eyes.(you know what I mean where its not dark blue but not to light of a blue) I think they are gorgeous. I am on the cheerleading team but no one on the team is snobby or hoe like so we get along perfectly. I love being on the team really, not only because im great cheering but because I love being able to master all the new tricks and plus im what they call a flyer. This means that I get tossed in the air a lot.

I went into my closet, closing the door behide me. I grab a pair of white skinny jeans and a white, hot pink, and black tank top that had paramore written on it in lime green. As I put my outfit on I head to the back of my closet and take my pair of black fingerless gloves with hot pink, white, and lime green splitters on them form the top of my dresser and slide them on.

As I walked out I headed to the other side of my room to my bathroom, where I put on a little bit of eyeliner and some mascara. I was so glad that I had flawless skin and a nice little tan cause it made my hair and eyes stand put even more.

I grab my backpack as I exit my room, but had to turn around cause I forget my phone. Ops! I walked down the stairs and see my brother waiting at the bottom with a cercal bar and a water waiting for me.

"Lets go", he says as he turns and walks to his car.(a/n I am not so good with cars so please feel free to sent my a message and tell me a good car) I got in and bucked up and off we went to a another day of school. YAY! NOT! Sigh...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2010 ⏰

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