Don't Fly Away

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"Im gonna miss you girls!" Alicia was leaving her two best friends in the whole world.

"We're gonna miss you too!" Emily and Holly hugged Alicia goodbye.

The last thing Alicia wanted to do was leave two amazing people, but with a chance this big, she couldn't turn it down.


"Text us everyday!" Emily said. She is gonna miss her best friend.

"Don't worry, I will!" Alicia said with a smile on her face, but you could see the sadness in her eyes.

"Flight 32 is now boarding." The girls heard over the intercom. That's Alicia's flight.

They hugged goodbye and Alcia walked away. "Have fun!" Holly added in as Alicia walked toward the door.

Alicia looked back and waved, then someone bumped into her.

"Oh I'm sorry!" She said turning around to face the person. She looked at their face then their whole body.

"Boy, is he hot!" She thought.

"It's fine! It was my fault!" He had a charming British accent and cute dimples.

They couldn't stop looking into eachothers eyes. Meanwhile, Holly and Emily are still standing there looking at the sparks fly.

"Last call for flight 32." The voice said again.

"Oh I better get going!" Alcia said, stopping the silence.

"Me too! Wait, what's your name?" He stopped Alicia from leaving.

"Alicia. And you?" She politely asked back.

"That's a pretty name. I'm Harry." He stated with a smile.

"Sweet! So, maybe I'll see you later!" Alicia said before leaving.

"Yeah! Where are you sitting?" He kept asking her questions, just to keep talking to her.

"Oh, just coach. I cant afford 1st class." They both laughed but Harry looked dissapointed.

"Oh, well, maybe we can meet up after the flight!" He obviously didn't want to let her go.

"Yeah, maybe!" She simply stated. Then she walked into the tunnel.

Then four boys walked up to him. He was staring into the tunnel, basically drooling.

"Hey man! Vas happening?" One of the came up to him and but his hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Oh, nothing." He avoided telling them about what happened, knowing that he will probably never see her again.

"Cool. Let's get on the plane." Another boy walked toward the desk.


The plane ride was long. I mean it was from California to London! A couple times Harry went to the bathroom in coach in hopes to see Alicia, but never did. She seemed shy. Everytime, his friends would ask where he was going but he never answered.

He's never believed in "love at first sight" but maybe this is meant to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2012 ⏰

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