XVII. The Dance of Masks

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"I think it's a solid plan," Benedikt said. He seemed pleased with himself, likely because Iona had come seeking his advice. They walked towards the set of large double doors to the main audience hall of the Ivory Palace, which was now in use as a great dance floor. "She'll be pleased."

Iona smiled. The thought of her plan for the night was helping her fight down her nerves. Benedikt had managed to get her over the worst of them. "Thank you for the input, Bene," she murmured softly. Since she was his guest, Benedikt was her escort for the ball, though she knew he would be splitting off to socialize once they were inside. His mask was a beautifully made tiger's visage, complete with a hint of dangerous looking fangs.

He'd gotten her a dryad mask made of a delicate, rich wood to go with her emerald dress. The cut of the fabric had made her nervous, at least at first. Leyan nobles were apparently more comfortable with skin showing than Yssans. Not only were her shoulders bare, but so was most of her midriff and there was a slit up to mid-thigh on one side. Now that she'd had a good hour to get used to it, it didn't seem so bad. When they stepped through the doors, her eyes went wide in awe.

It was beautiful.

Flickering flames of mage-fire danced in constantly shifting patterns above, like the auroras of the far north, but with more colors. It flared red and purple, blending seamlessly into gold, green, and blue. It cast an enchanting, magical light over a sea of masked people in thousands of different colored outfits and decorative masks. Ethereal music played even though there wasn't a musician in sight. The beat, as old as time, and all the notes of other instruments were completely illusory, crafted by some First World artifact that could sustain the effect long after a mage would have tired. The smell of fine wine, good food, and an almost infinite variety of perfumes and colognes filled the air.

Iona felt completely unprepared and utterly enchanted. She clutched Benedikt's arm a little tighter. "Bene, this is..." Her voice was breathless and stunned.

He laughed. "Stunning, I know," he said. "The masquerades are something else. I've always enjoyed them. Now, finding Kája could be a challenge. The only thing I know is that she's wearing a red dragon mask. She helpfully forgot to tell me where she'd be."

"Announcing Lord Tiger and Lady Dryad!" the squire waiting beside the door called. It probably didn't travel too far into the crowd, but she saw a few heads turn.

"Remember, my dear, smile for the assassins," Benedikt said. He chuckled when she gave him a concerned look. "I'm certain there are a fair few in the crowd, though I sincerely doubt they're here for you or Kája. There's a far greater chance that one of them is here to shorten my lifespan considerably, of course. The others are so often terribly jealous and that can make them...irritable."

"At least when I'm miffed with you, I don't send people to kill you."

Benedikt patted her hand as they stepped into the crowd. "I'd adore you even if you did, my dear. Now, I'm off to find my lady love. I wish you well in finding yours."

She frowned at him. "Don't tell me she's really your heart's desire. You should find someone who makes you happy, Lord Tiger."

Her friend had cautioned her to avoid real names at a masquerade. It is a place for fantasies, he'd said. Where for a brief time, we may play pretend that the world is not as we think we know. In some ways, everyone in that room will be more themselves than when they are wearing no mask. It's no place for the real world, certainly not real names.

The Leyan nobleman chuckled and adjusted his cravat. "Happiness is an interesting concept, my dear. I would counter that it is much easier to experience it outside of a debtor's prison. I know that the romantic in you has such aspirations for me, but I would remind you gently that the libertine's life is the one I have chosen. If there is one gateway to true happiness that I can see, it is having control over one's own destiny. Now, good luck. And remember, the key to confidence is remembering how much you want what you want. Don't be hesitant if you're certain. You have nothing to fear and much to gain."

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