Part 3

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Louis POV

It's currently 8 o'clock and the dance is in full swing. Everyone's dancing,people screaming and laughing,and I have to admit this is a pretty amazing dance. I look around for my friends and see Niall and Harry dancing together. Well,Niall is dancing while Harry is staring at Niall while doing this weird swaying motion with his body. Zayn is dancing with several girls trying to prove a point to Geneva and I sigh disapprovingly. If only he could see he deserves SO much better. I break from my thought of Zayn's foolishness and take a look over at Liam and am AGAIN mesmerized by the way he looks under the colorful lights. I just wanna go over to him and take him right here right now.....but I can't. Why? Because a.) I'm not even sure he's interested in guys. b.) I just met him 2 hours ago and I don't think he'll take a liking to shagging a stranger. c.) He's busy dancing with Sophia from my math class and d.) WAIT WHAT?!?!?!

I whip my head around to where Liam is and sure enough he's with Sophia and they're laughing having a great time. I feel a frown starting to make its way on my face as I watch Sophia flirt shamelessly with Liam with him flirting right back.Though I don't blame him. She IS attractive. Harry comes next to me with Niall and he shoots me a concerned look."Hey,you OK" he asks. I turn to him forcing a smile on my face. "Of course!! Why wouldn't I be," I say cheerfully,though I can tell he's not buying it as he gives me a stern look. I sigh. "I'm fine Harry. I just wanna find someone to dance with so I don't have to deal with your overflowing sexual tension," I say.

Harry blushes while Niall smiles. " Good to know our attraction is mutual," Niall says. Harry looks at him shocked,a faint smile on his lips."Mutual?" he asks looking into Niall's eyes. "Really?" He says shyly. Niall nods." Yeah,"he confirms. Harry breaks out into a huge smile his dimples showing proudly and leans down to give Niall a kiss. Niall of course kisses back and its sweet and tender and its like a punch in the gut. It's all very sweet and I'm happy for them,but I can't help the feeling of want in the pit of my stomach.

Then,the kiss starts to turn a bit heated,thier tongues joining the party and I clear my throat letting them know I'm still here. They blatantly ignore me and start to wander their hands. Harry's going under Niall's shirt and Niall's in Harry's curls tugging every now and then provoking a groan out of Harry.My eyes widen once I realise that Harry has started to inch his way towards Niall's pants and I scramble to pull them apart.

"Whoa whoa whoa,uh uh I don't think so, save that for the bedroom you horny bastards," I say.They break out of their lust filled trance and shift Harry muttering a sorry though judging by the look on Harry's face he's really not. I take a look at the new couple and its ridiculous how cute they are together. Harry's behind Niall,his head on his shoulder with his arms wrapped around Niall and they're both sporting blindingly happy smiles.

" Ok,now that you guys have relieved some sexual tension,why don't you go get me a drink Harry," He raises his eyebrows amusingly. "You've got two legs go get it yourself," he says. I narrow my eyes. "Excuse YOU Harold,but in case you forgot you're still my date. Therefore you're entitled to get me a drink.So...go get me a drink," I demand.Niall looks between us laughing hysterically. I look Harry dead in the eye when he doesn't move."Don't just stand there!! I said go and get me a drink.....NOW." Harry scoffs tightening his arms around Niall. I jut my hip out crossing my arms. I'm about to say something but Niall beats me to it.

"Babe, just go get him a drink.I'm not going anywhere," Niall says reassuringly putting his hand on Harry's upper arm while cranking his head to smile up at him. "Promise?" Harry asks smiling down at Niall adoringly. Niall nods his head."Promise," he says smiling up at Harry. "Ahem," I interrupt,looking at them." I'm waiting," I say raising my eyebrows challenging. They both turn to me and Harry sighs,reluctantly tearing away from Niall. Harry heads towards the snack table,but not before giving Niall a peck on the lips and I smile satisfied.

While Harry's at the snack table,I talk to Niall trying to take my mind off Liam and how Sophia is toying with Liam's collar and smiling seductively. I glare over Niall's shoulder feeling jealousy rage through me. I clench my fists wanting nothing more than to go over there and yank her away from Liam. I continue to glare as Sophia puts her hands on MY Liams shoulders sliding her hands down until they find the hem of Liam's shirt. I grit my teeth as her manicured hands go under Liam's jacket and her fingers trail up,up-"LOUIS!!!"

I look to see who yelled my name and see Niall looking pointedly at me. "You zoned out there mate. You alright," he asks. I smile nodding."Yeah mate,just a bit distracted is all," I say. He nods,a knowing look on his face and I smile again hoping he doesn't catch on to where my head is. Thankfully,before he can question anything,Harry comes back with a drink in hand. "Here you go,PRINCESS.Need anything else," Harry says a sickening sweet smile on his face. "Actually," I start," I'm a bit hungry,can you go get me something to eat,LOVE," I say an innocent smile on my face.Harry glares at me from his place besides Niall. "Twat," Harry spats. "Wanker," I retort. He gives me another glare and I fix him with one of my own. Niall shakes his head. "You guys are intolerable," he says amusingly. I shrug taking a drink from my cup immediately spitting it back out.

"Ew!! What the hell is this?!?" I yell. Harry looks at me smugly. "You wanted a drink. I gave you a drink," he smirks. "Oh I am so getting you back for this" I warn, "Bring it!!"he says challenging. "I'll bring it Styles," I say. "Looking forward to it," he says happily snuggling against Niall's neck. It's so adorable. In fact they're so adorable together it kinda makes me wanna barf."You know what mate? I'll leave you two lovebirds alone.I'm gonna go talk to some normal people for a change," I say going to turn away.

"Don't you mean get him away from that girl while trying to get him naked so you can shag him in the back seat of a car.....," Niall says. I turn and look at him bewildered. Even Harry looks a bit shocked himself. "Oi! Don't look at me like that!! It's obvious he fancies my mate Liam,"he says. I splutter shooting Harry a panicked look.."What?!?! NO I DON'T !! Where'd you get THAT from," I say. He gives me an unimpressed look. "Cut the crap Lou, I know what's up. You're not as subtle as you think you are.Oh and just an FYI he's single AND bi,"he says with a wink. "You have no idea what you're talking about man. I don't fancy Liam," I insist,although knowing Liam is bi and I might have a chance makes my heart giddy with happiness. Niall shakes his head exasperatedly(?) "Denial will get you nowhere Lou," he states. I'm about to respond when I hear yelling and things breaking on the other side of the room. "What the hell man?!?!" I hear a familiar angry voice say. It sounds a LOT like Zayn's voice.

l look at Harry and we rush over there,Niall following behind. When we get there,there's a huge crowd surrounding three people and I can't really see much. I stand on my tiptoes to try and see who's in the middle and my suspicions are confirmed once I see a familiar head in an intense showdown with a buff brown headed fellow. Then,all hell breaks loose.


Hello my fellow wattpaders.... or wattpad people? *shrugs* I don't know.....

ANYWAY,it's me again. I thought I'd leave you guys with a little suspense,but if I get enough comments,I'll write the next part. This is my first time writing and I don't know if many people are even reading this,so I'd really appreciate some feedback and comments...*hint hint*

I went back and put a picture of what Liam looks like on part two so check it out. If it looks weird,tell me and I'll try and fix it.

OH and this part is dedicated to @PercyArtDirectioner because she was the first person to comment on all three parts. She's also an amazing writer,a really cool person AND....She ships Lilo!!! If you want to read AMAZING stories,you should go check her out and follow her...

Ok so Yeah,that's about all I have to say soo......comment please if you want the next part..


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