Part 1

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She woke up, her head groggy, her eyes seeing stars and there was a strange buzzing in her ears. She took mental inventory of her body situation. Toes wiggled, fingers flexed. She turned her head from side to size. She took in the smell. Damp, rank. Gross. Decay and rot. An undercurrent of sea water. Salt in the humid air.

Genesis finally became more aware, her eyes clearing. She sat up, finding herself on a cold, wet concrete floor. The odors in this place were incredibly overpowering. The stink and stench.

She stood slowly, taking another inventory of herself. Someone had taken her weapons. Her handguns were gone, holsters and all. The knife in her boot was gone. Hell, even her lighter was gone from her pocket.

Her head ached. Apparently, from the feel of things, someone had managed to get the drop on her and bash her in the back of the head. She didn't feel any other injuries other than the knot on the back of her skull, and the bruise to her pride that someone had gotten the better of her.

Her ears perked suddenly, to a sound in the room. More than one sound. However, one was close. A groaning of someone else in a little pain, following by a slew of cursing every swear word in the book. The voice was female. Southern drawl. One guess who it would be.

Genesis let her lip curl into a snarl for a moment, keeping herself silent. The other noises made their way to her sharp Lycan ears. Groaning, though different than what she heard before. This was deep, guttural. Groaning and moaning, occasional hissing noises. What the hell?

And she couldn't for the life of her get that stink out of her nose. Rotten meat. Pungent and putrid. Utterly disgusting and offensive to her sensitive nose.

Genesis tried to orient herself to her surroundings. Concrete floor, old, cracked. Steel beams and mesh cages here and there. Stronger cages of steel as well. She looked upward, finding the walls and ceiling were metal. It would seem this was some sort of cavernous warehouse. Maybe a slaughterhouse? And where was it? Was she in Sydney? She couldn't discern a regional location due to that god awful stink in the place.

She took two steps forward, where there was a little shaft of light shining into a puddle. The tangy metallic scent of blood then drifted to her nose. The puddle wasn't of water, but of blood. Old blood, yet not yet congealed. Perhaps the humidity in the air was preventing it from drying up.

She shook her head from those thoughts, moving in the direction of the more feminine groan and lovely woven use of swear words.

She stood before a huddled ball of tiny woman, curled up on her side, holding her head, muttering and cursing still. Why her? Why ALWAYS her?

Giving the woman a look over, she seemed to be in the same predicament as herself, however, her weapon of choice was still with her. She had heard that it couldn't be removed from her person unless she willed it, so Genesis assumed that rumor was true.

Well, at least one of them was armed.

Noise from the far end of the building echoed. Groaning, moaning and shuffling. Someone or something dragging their feet.

She nudged the other woman lying on the cold concrete with her foot. "Get up...we have company..."



Addison was not a happy camper. Someone had approached her and clubbed her with a baseball bat. Thankfully, the woman was hard headed. She managed to fight. That had only served to earn her more of a beating with the aluminum bat.

Then someone had the audacity to try to take her sword from her. That had actually been funny, as the moment it left her person, her attacker, or one of them, became violently ill as the sword itself went into self-preservation mode to be reunited with its mistress.

Addison grabbed her sword back up, and was about to unsheathe it to dispatch her attackers, hoping to lop off one head at a time, but was rudely interrupted by a sharp pain in her neck. A sharp painful pinch. Just as the world started fading to black, she saw her attackers, wearing ski masks, draw back a little, one with a nice big syringe in his hand. Fvckers had drugged her. Dammit all.

She woke to a throbbing behind her eyes, and the bile in her stomach rising at the damned stink of this place. She tucked herself into a ball to escape the stink and nurse her pains. Her sword hung across her back, its vibrations warning her of dangers, yet she shushed it for now.

Then there was the nudge at her side and a familiar voice. Oh, lucky day. Wolf girl was here. She loosened from her fetal position and sat up, legs sprawled in front of her. She rubbed her head at the temples with her small hands.

"Ow.Ow.Ow. What the hell, wolf-girl? AND WHAT IS THAT SMELL??!!" She bellowed through the annoyance of pain.

Her nose couldn't be rid of the smell. It was overpowering to the sense. And then she felt the movement around them. Something not human. Demon? She wasn't sure at this time. Her sword was screaming at her however. Its steady pulses of energy urging her sore body to move.

She looked up to see the wolf-girl, Genesis, staring off into the shadows. Where were they even? The structure was large. It echoed. It was filthy. There was a tinge of salt water in the air. The sea was close.

Then the noise began to hit her ears. The slow shuffle. The drag of something against the floor.

The low moans.

Addison blinked the last of the fog from her eyes, moving to stand next to Genesis, drawing her cursed sword.

"Fvcking zombies..." She muttered, just as one became visible. And then another, and another. These were old zombies. Slow moving. Yet, every bit as deadly as the newer, freshly bit and turned zombies. Those would probably pose a problem for the pair.

She looked over to Genesis, giving her a sharp poke to the side. "Get your guns out. Remember...head shots. OH! You can go all wolf-tastic on them!" She said enthusiastically.

She drew her sword and set to the ready. Let the fun commence.

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