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Today is going to be my first broadcast on YouNow with my best friend, Holly. I have done broadcasts before and now have 1048 fans. I am so grateful and love all my supporters. One day i hope to be as big as Baby Ariel, my inspiration.

Its now 1:30pm and Holly is finally here. We are both hyped to go live.
"What am i going to talk about" said Holly.
"Just be yourself" I said.
I announced that i was going live.

"Hi guys, Charlotte here with Hollyyy" I said.
"Heyy!" Holly said.
"So at the end of this broadcast I am going to face time my top fan." I said
"So make sure your tipping them bars" Holly giggled
"Omg, why are we getting so many viewers." I said
"I dont know, lets look whos watching." Holly said.
"WHAT! OMG OMG OMG." Holly shouted.
"Hi Hunter, we love you." I said
"Get in the guest queue, Hunter." Holly said
*ring ring*
"I need to answer this" Holly said
Holly walked out the room to answer her phone call.
"Sorry guys, Holly needed to answer her phone." I said.
I carried on talking to my laptop and after a few minutes Holly walked back in.
"I need to go home, somethings happened." Holly said.
"Okay, I will call you later." I said.
Holly ran out the door.
"I might have to stop this broadcast a little earlier than expected." I said to the screen of my laptop.
"I will still be face timing my top fan. Actually I'm going to do it now. You all have one minute to give me some bars. Go." I said
The minute passed quickly.
"My top fan today is...
Hunter Rowland?" I said in shock.
"WHAT, oh my life! I love you so much. Im going to have to go guys, i love you all but because this broadcast wasn't long today i promise i will be live tomorrow. Hopefully with Holly again too. Bye guys. I love you all." I said than quickly ended the broadcast. Still shocked that my top fan wad freaking Hunter Rowland. Like out of all the people who was watching me, Hunter Rowland is my top fan. I left my phone on my bed, along with my laptop and iPad. I ran down stairs so quickly i almost fell. My older sister, Phoebe, wasn't down stair. I could of guessed that though. She was either out with her friends or in her room. Sitting on the sofa in the living room was my Mom Ella, my younger sister Maisie and my younger brother Finn. I ran and stood in front of the tv and shouted,
"Awh, thats great babe." My mom said back.
I had to tell Phoebe. She doesn't like Hunter that much but she'll understand, she forever wishes Juwany Roman (flamingeos) notices her. I ran back up stairs. Now out of breath. I opened my sisters door.
"You okay? Your face is a bit red." She said
"Im fine well..." I said
"Well?" Phoebe replied.
"Hunter Rowland watched my broadcast and was my top fan and at the start of my broadcast I said I would face time my top fan and that was Hunter so now he is going to face time me and I think I am going to cry!" I said that so fast i don't actually think Phoebe heard any of it. I was wrong.
"OMG, really?" She said
"Yass, I'm going to see if he wants to face time now." I said
Breathing heavily I walked into my room. I went straight over to my phone and saw I had a dm of Hunter.
"Phoebe, Hunter just dmed me!" I shouted, hoping she would hear it from my room.
I opened the dm. It said...
'Hi beautiful, I was your top fan on your broadcast, I guess i get to face time you. My number is (***)***-***. See you in a bit cutie x'
"What did it say!" Phoebe shouted back.
"He gave me his number!" I shouted.
"No way!" She shouted back.
All i could think about was Holly. She would of loved to face time Hunter.

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