Chapter 6: What happen to me

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Everything was going so well. I talked to Lincoln into leaving his sisters alone and he has been nice to them and hadn't been doing any trouble for two weeks straight. I still hadn't change my opinion about him. He confronted me about the Reapers and he question me of who I really I am.

I told Lincoln my whole life, my name, Derek, how people treated me when I was alive, how I died, the aftermath, and the offer from the Reapers. I didn't say anything about Kelly, killing Derek, and revealing the Reaper's names.

I was angered when he questioned about my scarf, and I was more angered when he said my real name.

That's when I decided to punch him, but he dodged it and punch me to the face.

I was using my punches to get him, by he kept dodging, so I used my flame powers and fired at him. Lincoln dodge them and he somehow created a baseball bat and reflected my flames back to me, injuring me. He turned his bat into a sword, I took out my scythe, and we clash our weapons against each other. He landed a hit on me and I summoned my skeleton army to fight him. He defeated them and he had a special bow & arrows he created to aid him. I use my full flame power and Lincoln pulled back on his arrows. We release our power and when the explosion happened, I quickly left behind a decoy to take the hit and left my scythe behind.

I was behind Lincoln and I was charging flames without his notice. I fired at him and I swear, I heard voices warning Lincoln. But it was too late.

I took his sword and I was about to finish him, but somehow, his sisters got in his nightmare and attacked me. After getting beaten up from Lincoln and his sisters. I used my full power to be fast, knocked out Lincoln, injured his older sisters, and was winning.

I charged my flames and was about to finish Lincoln's sisters, but Lincoln came out and stretch his arms out to protect his sisters. I was shocked to see this. So I decided to make an offer. I will let Lincoln's sisters live and I will take his soul. He agreed and I thought I won again.

But I didn't.

He caught me off guard.

Lincoln put his hand on my chest and he spreaded something into me. I was in pain. I tried to attack, but I can't use my powers. Lincoln told me that light was the love for his sisters and everybody else, and he grabbed me by the collar of my robe and open the double doors.

"Never come back!" Lincoln said, before throwing me in the darkness.

"Noooooooooo!!!" I screamed as I hold on to the doors, but I was sucked in.


I guess I'm gone. It is all over. But it wasn't. I was somehow still alive.

What happen to me?

I woke up in a strange forest and I see trees surrounding me. But there was one question I still have.

Do I still have my powers?

I tried to summon purple flames out of my right hand, and it works. I guess what Lincoln did to me was temporarily. Is the light still in me?

I went over to a pond and looked at my reflection. It shocked me. Half of my face is when I was a human, and the other half of my face is the undead. My left hand was human, and my right hand was skeletal. I grew flames in both hands, but the color of my flames was white on my left hand. It was my human hand. I missed being a human.

Suddenly, I transformed and was back into my human self.

"What?" I said in my normal voice, looking at the pond's reflection of myself and my hands.

I used my right hand and it grew dark. I used it, thought about transforming into a Reaper, and I transform again. I look at the pond's reflection and I was Death.

I have the power to change into myself and Death.

Because of Lincoln, I am somehow alive. I actually have to thank him for that.

I decided to transform back to human and put my hood on.

"Now I gotta figure out where I am." I said, walking.

I had to run past animals and avoid people because I don't want to scare them and cause a scene. I use stealth to get to a open field. When I arrived, I saw no one there or anything.

I need to fly up, so I tried to grow wings on my back as human. I kept trying and trying and used the light to assist me, until I got it. I had wings, but instead of boneless wings, they're angel wings. I jumped very high and fly in the sky to get somewhere I can rest.

This was gonna be a long journey.


A/N Now you all know what happened to Anthony. I will make an epilogue that will change him into a good person that's fights for justice. Plus a scene that will leave you with chills. I won't spoil anything about it. Have a goodnight everybody :D

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