Illyria: Home of the Prophet.

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   Right off the bat, it may be best to get a few little details out of the way. This is the tale of two young brothers who fall into another world, only to become knight trainees for a delusional king who believes they are part of an ancient prophet. As they learn and grow older, their brotherly relationship falters and strengthens. Follow these two as they leave the peak of adolescence and the florescence of middle school, and begin their journey through the land of Illyria; home of the prophet.

  Illyria is made of eight continents, not counting the Glasscliff Islands. Now, most of this story will take place in Violetborune, where the King himself lives. There, are also the army bases, training grounds, and the Black Forest. To further your insight, the entire world of Illyria is blessed with perfect climate, (in all areas besides those altered by witches long ago) rare showers of rain, and a multiple races. These races include the wandering musically spellbinding gypsies and enchanted healers of Green-Crystal, whimsical elves from their homeland of Silverrock, and lastly, arrogant humans who, after they live their short lives in Violetbourne or the peasant land of Cordale, are buried deep in the soil of East Bell, the most holy land of all Illyria.

   Of course, this only covers five out of the eight land masses in this new world. To the east of Violetbourne, are the fore-mentioned Glasscliff Islands. Here, is an icy tundra where witches lived long,  long ago. These islands are much like stepping stones heading towards Griffinhaven. Here, is the home of the dragons. This land is forbidden to enter, due to the building rivalry between the large beasts and humans. Because of the trouble they had caused, the dragons began their plans of revenge. Passing the Sterling Ocean and heading north, you would be in Summerwald, the hottest point of Illyria, and home of the Phoenix.

   As you head west from Summerwald, the first land you would come across would be the holy East Bell. In this land, there was a well known legend, consisting an old woman who could bring the deceased back to life. Since it is clearly at the northern most part of Illyria, it does have a ridiculous name, most likely due to the drunken "adventurers" who had come across the land from Cordale. Those peasants and their ale, there's nothing quite like it- besides those atrocious gypsies. Both are hated by the Violetbourne inhabitants due to their dull interests. What can one say, humans are bored easily. They have short attention spans. Back to the map, the closest area to East Bell is Green-Crystal, where, as said earlier, are where the gypsies and healers frolic within the deep woods. South of Green-Crystal are the Snow-Court Islands, home of the peaceful Halcylone. Here is the only spot in Illyria which gains any snowfall. With only two more continents to explain, the largest land mass is South West of Snow-Court, and filled to the brim with small huts and worthless peasants. Across the Sirens Chant Sea, is Silverrock. Here, there are elves inhabiting the tall mountains.

   Back to our meddlesome twins, they begin their journey during the summer before entering eighth grade, back in their vacation home in northern Michigan. Here, they are arguing as usual, pointing out well known facts about one another, twisting them into hurtful comments as they smashed their thumbs against a game console. I'll allow you to enter their time, watching as a third party to their adventure through worlds.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2013 ⏰

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