Pastor's Daughter

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You were a good girl. You always were. You did what you were told. You paid attention in class. You wore what your parents told you. You never swore. Never drank. Never smoked. Never did anything that was wrong. You were the perfect daughter.

You attended your Catholic church at least 5 days a week. You had great grades and were a great student.

But that all changed when you caught your father cheating on your mother with a lady from church. You've known her all your life. She came to visit you when you were born. She invited your family over for dinner constantly. She always was so sweet.

They were on the bed. Your father, the pastor of your church laying on top of someone who wasn't his wife, kissing a lady who had a family of her own too. This was wrong. So wrong.

"What are you doing?!" You yelled. Your father got off of the lady and stood on the side of the bed, immediately rubbing the spit off his mouth. The lady got off the bed and fixed her clothing.

"Honey, it's not what it looks like." Your father takes a step closer to you. You look at him in disbelief and back up.

"Then what does it look like? Because to me it looks like you guys are committing adultery." Tears start to fill your E/C eyes, "I bet mother doesn't even know! She's at work trying to help out this family and this is what you do?!

"Please, listen to me." Your father tries to get closer to you. You smack his hand.

"Don't touch me! I have always listened to you all my life. I always have! And the man that I've always looked up to for being the leader of the church and a great father does this?! You're a hypocrite! You tell the church to not to all these earthy things, but behind closed doors you do the worst!" Hot tears stream down your eyes as you yell at your father. His head is down. The lady is crying.

"Don't you dare cry! You don't get to cry. The ones crying should be my mother and I because you guys just broke a family. Thank you, Dad for showing me that even a man with the best relationship with God can fail you..." You wipe the tears off your cheeks and start to walk backwards, "I don't want you to fight for me."

"Honey... Please I-" Your father looks up at you with tears in his eyes.

"You better tell Mom," you interrupt him, but you don't care, "because if you won't. Then I will." You angrily say. You turn around and run downstairs.

"Y/N!" You hear a voice yell your name, but you still run. You don't care. You don't care about anything. You just want to, no. You need to leave.

You run outside until you're a block away from your house and decide to walk to the park. As you walk there you think about what just happened. Tears continue to fall down your cheeks and onto the floor.

You've never been a crying person, but this just hurt too much. How is mom going to react? She's going to be so devastated. You wipe the tears off your cheeks as you arrive at the park. No one is there which is good because you want to be alone. You sit down on a bench that's facing a beautiful scenery. You try to get yourself together. You put your elbows on your knees and cover your face with your hands.

"You okay?" You scream, falling on your butt. You look up and see a guy your age with dark brown hair, and brown eyes. He was wearing black ripped jeans, a black leather jacket, black and white converse, and a black T-shirt. He had tattoos all over his body. Father always told you that people like that are bad people.

The guy bended forward and offered you his hand for help.

"Th-Thank you." You take his hand and get up. You sit down next to him. You've seen him before. His name was, Jesse Rutherford. He was the school's bad boy. He was always in trouble.

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