Chapter 8:

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Like I said before it was nearly midnight. I was really tired I could barley stay awake the whole way there. Thankfully it was Saturday.

"Where here"

"Thanks for tonight"

"Anytime". He said with a wink.

It was the next morning and my dad was coming over to check out the place and all that. I wasn't happy. Its was only a few months in to the school year and he's already checking up on me.

"Hey gurl". Rydel said barging in with Ryker and Dallas behind.

"Hey." I said mopping.

"What's wrong with you. Is it your time of the month."

"No Rydel. My dads coming to check up."

"Oh. Do you want us to leave"?

"It doesn't matter"

"Okay good cause I wasn't going to leave anyway"

"Whatever. My dad flew in yesterday so he should be here anytime now"

Like thirty minutes past and Noah and Avery had came in along those thirty minutes. All the girls sat on Avery's bed while the boys hogged mine. A lot happened in those thirty minutes. Somehow I gave up my bed. But anyway back to reality. We heard a knock and guess who it was? Yep u guessed right my dad.

"Hello Blake"

"Hi dad"

"So have you been going to every class"?

Here we go. Get ready for the worst few hours of your life.

"Um yea-"

"Have you went to a party yet"?

"Um actua-"

"Have you gotten drunk yet"

"Dad are you serious. I'm different from what I used to be. That is all in the past. Ok."

"Which one of these boys have you slept with. Most likely all of them. Why are they in your room anyway"?

"Don't talk to her like she's trash". A deep voice said.

"I'm sorry son but who do you think you are. She's my daughter and I can talk to her anyway I like to."

"I know sir but she's old enough to make her own decisions, and she's not a toddler anymore. She can do what she wants when she wants". Dallas said looking me and my dad.

"I don't care what she wants. Now she is either going to listen to me or-"

"Or what? You better leave before I call campus security."

He just looked at Dallas in a way I can't explain, and walked out.

"Hey are you-"

"I'm fine can y'all just leave." I said and they did what they was told

"Wait Avery where are you going you live here?"

"I know but I can tell you need space."

"Thanks". I said to her before she walked out.

Few minutes past and there was a knock at the door. I expected to be my dad. But it was someone way better.

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