0 0 0

Me: HELLO!!!!! *wears P.E uniform*


Me: From PRISON! i needed to do homework and I can't handle MY STORY! BUT ILL MAKE IT UP TOO YOU ALL!

Springtrap: well, then....I saw that you have a new OC and a new STORY in your notebook *reads my notebook full of fanfics*


Me: where did you get and HOW?!

Marionette: Magic

Me: *groans* yes I have a new OC, a new story, plus a new anime I watched

Freddy: and that is???


Marionne: da hell is that?!


Violet: well, the creator of it is Monty Oum. Well he died because...I don't Wanna say it. *continues to talk about Information about RWBY*

All: *sleeps*

Me: to be honest, RWBY was released when it was 2013 or 2014. So i was a bit late *giggled*

ToyChica: I heard that there's a new volume this coming year Oct. 22, 2016 I think that's right?

Me: I think....SO! What's my punishment? -_-

All: *laughs Evily* who will do the honors??

Naruto: i will, Admin-chan, Truth or dare?

Me: truth

Sasuke: is it true you make Yuri Fanfic? And ship them?

Naruto: is it true that- HEY DATTEBASA!!!

Me: *blushes* yes.....

Violet: you ship WhiteRose and Bumblebee right?? Especially WhiteRose

Me: yes, yes, and YES!

Richard: *takes down notes*

Freddy: Truth or Dare?

Me: Truth

Freddy: do you like someone else? If it's a girl, are you lesbian?

Me: arghhhhhh, the lesbian part is true, but I really have a crush on a girl *blushes* I CANT TELL YOU BECAUSE IT DIDNT SAY SO!!

Richard: *takes down notes*

Foxy: yarrrr! Truth or dare?

Me: Dare T^T

Foxy: i dare you too get a RWBY character since you like it. And make her piss off, make sure it's a tough one :3

Me: *groans and summons Yang*

Yang: Where am I? Oh hi admin! Where's Soph??

Me: I'm so SORRY Yang! *punches her and grabs a little bit of her hair*

Yang: *eyes turns red and a red aura surrounding her, she activates ember celica and punches me so hard that I was bleeding*

All: *shock except Yang and Sarada*

Sarada: mama, i think we have another strong puncher here *giggled*

Sakura: *sweatdropped*

Chica: you do know that's a dare...right?

Yang: OH MY DUST! Admin are you ok?!

Me: *heals myself* yep no worries, now get out and have a room with Blake *grins*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2016 ⏰

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