Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Staring at the long gilded mirror in the first floor hallway, I will myself to feel anything other than dread. But that's obviously not going to happen. I want to call Shay and tell her that I'm not feeling well. Because at this very moment, there's an excellent chance I might actually vomit all over the place. But let's face it, that won't matter to her at all. She would give me a bag and drag me to the dance anyway. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath trying to loosen the thick ball of tension that has settled uncomfortably within me.

Under normal circumstances, I love our school dances. Especially homecoming because it's always a masquerade. Every year has a different theme and all the girls dress up in elaborate costumes trying to outdo one another. This year's theme is the enchanted forest.

Gazing at my reflection in the mirror again, I can't help but sigh. There's something almost bittersweet about the fairy costume I'm wearing. Three months ago when I came up with the idea, I couldn't wait for Callen to see me in it because I knew he would love it. But he's not here to see it. I'm not wearing it with him in mind anymore.

My eyes touch upon the bodice with its square neckline and the one inch thick silken straps that lay perfectly against my shoulders. The corset is made out of a decadent amethyst colored satin. The skirt is nothing more than thin fragile layers of purple chiffon and pink organza strips that layer over one another like delicate petals of a flower. The skirt rests mid-thigh. Sheer amethyst wings and a crown interwoven with pink and purple roses complete the outfit.

Amazingly I feel as if I have been transformed into a fairy princess. My mother hand stitched this dress. I found a picture on the internet and she was amazingly able to duplicate it. She's a whiz with this kind of stuff. I look at what she was able to do with pieces of satin, chiffon, and organza and can't help but be impressed by her skill. I wish she were here to see it. Even though I'm not looking forward to this night, I can't help but twirl in front of the mirror astonished at what I've been changed into.

At the very least, I'll look good. The rest may totally suck but I guess I'll have that much going for me. My heart twists just thinking about it. Listening to everyone stand around and gossip as they continue trying to pry the intimate details of my breakup with Callen out of me already feels exhausting. And it's not like I don't know that Shay's right. I do need to show my face. I need everyone to see that I'm okay, that this breakup hasn't crushed me.

But seeing Callen tonight, dressed in his formal attire... well, I'm afraid that might actually crush me.

Watching him on the football field the other day, seeing what we now are to one another was like taking a dagger through the heart. This is the first time we've ever not been friends. And it cuts me to the very core. It feels as if our entire friendship has suddenly died and without it, I feel lost and bereft.

Thankfully the doorbell chimes knocking me out of my rather depressing reverie.

For just a moment I hesitate at the door praying that Shay hasn't worn the slutty dress she bought. I seriously wouldn't be able to deal with that right now.

Instead she stands in front of me wearing a Disney fairy costume.

Covering my mouth, I gasp. I can't help it. A few gurgles of laughter bubble up within me at the sight of her. She looks exactly like Tinker Bell. Albeit a cut-rate rendition of Tinker Bell. Although somehow, Shay's able to pull it off. But then again, that girl could wear a paper bag and still rock it like a model on the catwalk.

She sniffs with disdain, "I hope you're happy." As she eyes my costume, the corners of her mouth pull downward. "Damn it, Lili, you're not supposed to look so freaking hot!" She glances down at her own outfit which looks cheap and childish in comparison. "Alright, slight change to the plan. We're stopping at my house before the dance because there's no way in hell I'm going to wear this while you look like that!"

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