Moving day

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"WAKE UP WAKE UP!" Of course Mrs Robbins is waking me up early on a Saturday morning. "We have guest here to see you for inspection. Now young lady get up and get dressed and look smart." She huffs before leaving me to wake up with a very wild guess to whom the crazy people would be.

Crawling out of bed is like trying to kill someone only crazy people do it with joy and the rest regret ever doing it. I'll take my time I mean who wakes a person up on a Saturday morning especially at 9:00am I mean seriously!

After having a long warm shower I'm forced to get dressed. I dig around for a bit finding all of my clothes to be black and quit revealing or not quite sociably 'smart'. I decide on a simple black dress that cuts of just above my knee with my black Doc martins. I chuck on a denim blue crop jacket and start on my make up, after putting on simple wing eye liner light foundation and mascara I walk towards the dinning area.

"Yes so this uhh young lady she's here right now getting changed we'll be taking her today and in compensation we'll be paying you fondly. we ask that you keep this on the down low and please loose all contact with Florence." the unfamiliar voice talks leaving me wondering who this person is.

"Sir we're sorry but people do need to be aware of Florence's removal from the facility and who, we need all documentation and she does need to be sign the documentation because of her age." Mrs Robbins argues. Go Robbins.

I continue to listen but I'm suddenly lifted and thrown over a huge shoulder like a sack of potato's.

"boss found this one lurking outside listening she'll need to come won't she." the hunky hulk sighs.

"No need this is Florence she's very good with sneaking around. Florence this is the man who wants to adopt you. although it seems more like a purchase am I right." She says risng her eyebrow at the man who's I still can't see.

"No she'll be adopted into this kind gentleman's home." He says calmly.

"Excuse me but could you please put me down." I huff "Although the views good the bloods rushing to me head and I'm not comfortable" I say as I'm being put down.

"Eww I'm about to e your father I don't need to hear that." he snaps.

"Anyway I'll need you to sign here here and here and then the usual adoption papers." the mystery guy says. Finally looking at him I see that he's a older man with pepper hair and a nicely fitted suit that looks pretty expensive so basically he's giving the I'm a tough man look off.

I look at the paper work and sigh, theres so much, who needs this much? I just sign not bothered to read it what have I got to loose anyways. I sign the adoption papers already knowing the terms considering how many times I've signed them. Happy that'll I'll be moving out of this depressing hell and hopefully move into a very rich family with hot friends around my age.

"there we go I'm all set and I still haven't unpacked so I'm going to get my things before anyone wakes up I don't do good byes." I say slightly shifting on my feet before running upstairs.

Well lucky I never unpack. I sigh knowing I'll be back soon no one keeps me long, this won't be any different. As I walk I wonder what'll change in terms of school and what not I mean these people may live a fair way away. Not that I'm complaining I mean I have a lot of enemies and I'm not particularly wanted in this town after certain incidents, chuckling at the memories I run into a stranger, but my God he's hot like DAMN SON.

"watch it." he snaps before walking into the kitchen and slamming the door.

"Florence?" I hear a quiet whisper and look down. So much for escaping goodbyes.

I'm the daughter of a gang leader Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz