Merging Bloodlines

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"V and I... We grew up together. Our families were close and we lived right next door to each other. We became close, due to spending a lot of time with each other when our families were on business trips.
I'm sure you've heard of McPherson's Goods and Jackson's Shipping International. Yeah, Violet McPherson and Max Jackson. That's us. Our parents run the companies. Big shot millionaires. Pride themselves of money and nothing more... He sighed.
Anyway. We were about 14 when they decided. They sat us down and said, 'As you two know, we have big plans for our companies. And we've decided to merge. McPherson-Jackson's Goods and Shipping.' Violet and I looked at each other.
'What does that have to do with us?' V asked.
'We thought about it and the best way to ensure a successful merger was to merge the families.' Violet's father said.
'And we have the perfect way to do that. We thought it through and talked it over with our families and we all agree that this is best.'
'Are you saying...' Vi started. Our fathers nodded.
I stood and walked towards the door.
'Where are you going Max?' My father asked
'Away from here. I'm not following through with this.'
'You don't have a choice.' Her father said.
I turned to face them. 'So you're ready to plan out the lives of two 14-year-olds you barely pay any attention to.'
My father walked towards me. 'I suggest you keep your temper, Max.'
I growled. 'You don't even know us. Did you ever think about what we want?'
'This is for the good of the companies. It will be good for our families.' Violet's dad said.
'You mean, good for the money. Because that's all you care about!' I was losing my temper. They could all see it.
'This is all set. Everything's ready. It's all planned, dates and everything.'
'I DON'T CARE!' I lost it. 'NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY TO FORCE IT, I REFUSE!' Violet came up to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. I took a deep breath. 'Try all you like. But this is not going to happen. You can merge without us.' I walked out of the room, and Violet followed. That's when we decided to leave. I had applied to transfer here. And Vi's art was being requested internationally. We left and never looked back.

Violet and I know all of each other's secrets. We grew up as brother and sister. Never in a million years would the thought of being together would pop into our minds. One you have that relationship, you can't really go further. Our families had a plan. The merger was set to happen in December the year we both turned 21. And our families are still convinced that it is the best way." He set down the letters from his family in front of her.
"Now you know why things are awkward between V and I. And why I don't talk about family." Max leant back in his chair. "You cannot tell anyone about this. Especially not Fawn."
Willow picked up the letters. "So... You're betrothed to Fawn's girlfriend... Why did you tell me?"
"You're her best friend. And you heard me talking to V. I didn't want you telling her and jumping to conclusions."
Willow nodded. "You and Violet have to be the ones to tell her. Just hope her clairvoyance doesn't pick it up."
Max sighed and nodded. "I know. What we need is a way to get out of this..."
Willow smiled softly. For once, she wasn't acting like a klutz. She reached a hand out and grabbed his hand. "Hey, I'm here for you. You know that."
Max looked at her and smiled. "I know. And, I think it's time I come clean..."

I'm sorry. I got kinda lazy and it's getting late. Next part will be up in the next week. Hopefully. 

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