Chapter 1

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Chapter One

"Sorry. Sorry. Excuse me..." I pouted at the lack of respect I was getting. It was no use I guess.

I ungracefully shuffled through the hallway in my attempt to get to class. Students naturally bumped into me, making me stumble and wince from my still aching body. By the third bump, my books slipped out my hand. I puffed out a breath of annoyance and quickly picked up my things before they were unkindly squished.

I quickly glanced at my watch seeing that I only had less than a minute before the bell rung. Why the hell were there so many people in the hall?

"Clearly, no one cares about school anymore Liz." My brother chuckled in my head.

"Shut up Mat! " I thought back.

Honestly, I wish that I had never given him access to my mind today. If it wasn't for that damn...

The bell rung loudly signally the time for first period. Shit! I again had less than a minute before the late bell sounded. I swiftly walked down the hallway, careful not to run so I wouldn't give myself away. I finally made it to the door of the classroom as the late bell rung and quickly slipped in, making myself unnoticed. I made my way to the back corner or the class, sitting down with a sigh.

"By your sudden relief I assume you got to class on time! Good for you! You know next time you should probably leave a bit earlier to avoid that."

"Dammit, shut the hell up Mat! I've had it up to here with you!"

"Ah come on sis," he chuckled. "maybe if you would've won you..."

I abruptly cut him off. "You cheated!"

I angrily banged my fist on the table causing a loud noise. Curious eyes suddenly turned my way. I timidly mouthed "Sorry" before I hid behind a curtain of my long brown hair. praying no one would think anything of my sudden actions.

Soon, I could feel the stares being lifted off me; everyone presumed to what they were doing. I let out another sigh of relief and began to settle down.

I heard a soft chuckled from the back of my mind. I silently cursed my brother.

He is beyond annoying! I should've known he would cheat in that competition! He used magic on me which is clearly against the rules yet no one even called him out on it!

I let out another angry breath and looked at Ms. Stevens, the English teacher. She was a petite middle aged woman with short brown hair and fair skin. She was always kind, no matter the situation. I loved her for that. In fact, she was the only teacher...ummm maybe the only person in this school, except my best-friend Jade, who gave me a second glance. I, 17 year old Elizabeth Heart, am the boring, plain, most looked over student in Riverside High School. Practically no one bothers to know my name or tries to be friends with me. I don't even think the teachers would know I existed if they didn't have to take role or if I didn't have to turn my work in.

Some might feel sorry for me, but I don't. This is exactly the way I want it to be. I intentionally come to school with plain colors on, my dark brown hair lifeless and dull, my face without make-up, and sitting in the corner of all my classes.

Why would I do this to myself? Well because I'm a Mystic and I need absolutely no one to find out!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2013 ⏰

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