Chapter 2

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Lilith sat in he middle of her cage, her black and green hair covering her eyes. "Who are you','why are you here', 'why are you doing this to me', your might be wondering why I'm not asking these questions and the answer is," she moved up her hair moving out of her eyes making her vibrant green eyes stare into all three of there souls," I know everything."
Harley rolled her eyes, scoffed and mumbled something under her breath. "Oh you don't believe me, you think I'm lying, let me tell you one thing tell you one thing that only you would know." Harley walked up to the cage where Lilith still sat in the middle of the cage.
"You stayed in this very cage pregnant with a little girl," Harley looked shocked and put her hand on her stomach with tears in her eyes," oh I'm not finished yet Harley, you were tortured here for many days and had a miscarriage. You carried your dead baby for days until the guards noticed the blood on the floor then and only then were you sure that your baby was gone."
By the time Lilith was finished Harley was crying and fighting the urge to kill Lilith right then and there, Lilith only smirked," oh, you want to hurt me?" Harley tried to run to the cage and punch Lilith but Amanda's arm was in the way and Harley knew if she did anything to hurt Amanda or Lilith that she would die.
Amanda, Mr.J, and Harley left the cage to get the rest of the members of the team. First they went to get Deadshot (who was pleased to see Harley again), then they got captain boomerang, killer croc, and finally Diablo, in which Harley ran up and hugged him tightly. They had met up back at the cage so Amanda could explain their mission,"Alright your mission is simple as long as nothing goes wrong all you have to do is fight who I tell you to fight and protect Lilith." Amanda said to the group.
"What do we get in return?" Harley asked.
"Besides your life you get out of prison and get three chances before you go back to prison. Like-" Amanda  was cut off by Lilith
"Lies,lies,lies, you and I both know that after the mission you will throw everyone back in jail and throw away the key." Lilith smirked.
The gang looked at Amanda as she gulped. Amanda backed up into a corner as the gang walked up towards her with sinister looks on their faces, Lilith watched with joy in her eyes. "You might want to make a better deal or else they will rip you apart and your soul will burn in hell" Lilith smirked
"Fine" Amanda said.
Hey guys sorry I didn't update yesterday I was having writers block at one point of the book and could figure out how to write it correctly. I hope you guys liked it please give it a vote if you enjoyed it.

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