I Hate You: A YoonSeok Smut

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"You did what!?" Yoongi screamed.

"I.. I'm sorry Yoongi I didn't know!! It was on the end of the shelf and I bumped into-" Hoseok backed away from his angry friend.

"Why are you so careless?! Don't you have any consideration for others and their things??" Yoongi kicked a piece of broken glass from the fallen award that Hoseok had broken.

"Of course I do, Yoongi.. Please?? I said I'm sorry!!"

Yoongi's face was red with anger and his hands were balled into fists. He walked across the room to where Hoseok was standing, but Hoseok became a little frightened and stepped even further back- right against the wall. But it didn't stop Yoongi; he just kept coming.

"I'm... So sick of your shit Hoseok, I'm sick of trying to be your friend!" Yoongi growled as he came so close that his face was merely inches away from the other boy's.

"Yoongi, you're... Hurting me...?" Hoseok whimpered.

Yoongi punched the wall beside Hoseok's head, then raised his other, leaving it on Hoseok's other side, trapping him between the wall and himself.

"I... Hate you, Jung Hoseok."

Hoseok felt like crying, and he turned his head so Yoongi wouldn't look at him.

"I hate you for making me do this when I've been trying so goddamn hard to resist you."

Hoseok turned to Yoongi with a look of pure confusion. But he wasn't given much time to think of what his friend meant, because his lips were immediately met by Yoongi's.

This was what Yoongi meant. Hoseok didn't move, he just let the boy kiss him. It didn't take long, though, for him to realize that he might have wanted to kiss him back. So, he did. He leaned into the kiss, shyly. His hands hung awkwardly at his sides so he just fiddled with his thumbs.

Yoongi kept one hand on the wall, but placed the other on Hoseok's hip. This surprised Hoseok, as dozens of thoughts swarmed into his mind; tons of possibilities, tons of "what will happens."

Hoseok lifted his hands, placing them awkwardly on Yoongi's sides. Yoongi took this as an invitation to push his body closer to Hoseok's.
He also pulled away from their kiss.
"Do you want this?" He breathed into Hoseok's ear.

Hoseok didn't know how to reply, so he just wrapped his arms around Yoongi, loosely. Did he want this?
Yoongi had always intimidated him so much. He'd never really thought about him in this way. But he had only seconds to decide whether this was going to happen or not. Things were already getting heated and he couldn't ignore the fact that he was scared. But aside from being scared, he felt a strong feeling of butterfly like arousal in the pit of his stomach.

This was happening. Yoongi was happening. The decision had been made as soon as Yoongi slammed his hips against his.

Hoseok tightened his hold on Yoongi, gripping at his back with his fingertips. Yoongi just licked his lips.

'This.. Is going to be the end of me...' Hoseok slid his hands up under Yoongi's shirt to feel his bare skin. His back was warm and felt muscular. Something about the way it felt under his hands made Hoseok very hot. His cock grew harder in his already too tight jeans. Yoongi seemed to notice, seeing as his thigh was pressed directly against Hoseok's groin area.

"You want this..." Yoongi slurs, while backing up, and dragging Hoseok into his room. He all but tosses Hoseok onto the bed, and then hastily begins pulling his own clothes off. Hoseok does the same, sliding off his shirt and then pulling his jeans off, letting laundry pile at the foot of the bed.

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