Chapter 10

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He lifts me up onto the sink and kisses me.He gets touchy.He puts his hands to my chest.I push him back."What " He asks me.

"Are you still mad at me?"

"Why would you you think that"

"Cause I got cut deep"

"Babe I just kissed you when we do that it means that I forgive you"

"Ok " He continues to kiss me.I hear a knock down stairs.When we go down to open it i told him how my sister would always fight and he was surprised.I opened the door and it was my sister Karla."Who are you " Luke asks."I'm Amiliea's sister " She replies."Oh hey Karla what are you doing here and how'd you find me in a new house."I ask.

"I m here cause i wanted to to visit you and I found you cause i knocked on each house in these 3 houses and now I found you."

"Well come in " I say.She walks in and she sits at the table.Luke sits too and he pulls me on his lap and gives me a small kiss.My sister looks at me with big eyes confused."Oh I am dating Luke."I say laughing."Oh ok we'll it's night.Do you have any cookies I am hungry.And I have to go find a hotel and stay there my flight is tomorrow and what happend to your face."


"Don't lie to me Amiliea I'm your sister"

"I'M NOT LYING" I look at her mad and punch her then luke pulls me back. I don't wanna talk about it cause if I tell her she will kill ari.I kiss luke and go up to my room and close the door.From down stairs I hear luke telling her what happend and she got mad but luke gave her cookies I guess."STOP!"I hear luke say from down stairs.I open the door to notice Karla is kissing luke and he's pushing her away she's stronger than luke.I run down and punch her and tickled her till she fainted.I help luke get up the floor and the first thing I said is"WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP HER?" I yell as I slowly walk away.He grabs my wrist and kisses me and says "She's strong and you know I only want you.Your my girlfriend.I only really want you in my life...Bae"I continue to to kiss him in till my back touches the table and he lifts me up and I lean on the table and put my legs around him.

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