She Who Watches. She Who Waits.

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This is my first long-ish attempt at poetry, so I'd really like to hear all your opinions about it. So read and comment y'all.

This is dedicated to
angelsnairwaves. Thanks a lot for showing me the to-dos and how tos of this place :)

A century and a half ago,
There lived an old lady.
Her face so lined,
Her back so bent,
A timeless look had she.

Yet, a twinkle in her eyes,
A briskness in her walk,
Showed that she was far more
Than what her face did talk.

And once she spoke,
And this my friends,
this is what she told -

"I am she who was born
before ye all,
In the time of the angels.
When the earth was young,
The sky younger,
And God himself easier to see.

With my brother,
I wandered
This new exciting place,
Where streams gurgled
Over hidden stones,
And through fey glades to sea.

As time passed, we lived
Happy.. Yet lonely
For we were all we were.

Then God in Glory,
wreathed in light,
Attended by glorious

Dropped down from heaven,
Not quite on earth,
And in a voice older than time,
Named him, my brother,
Younger than I.

" Gilgamesh " he said
And smiled.
" ye be the first of your kind,
to you I give this gift. "

God In Glory,
In supreme power,
Cast out eyes due west
And from the earth,
There rose a tower.

Strong and sure,
reaching to the heavens
Dusted in gold,
Studded in stones
of Diamond, Opal and Ruby.

Around it,
from mother's bosom,
rose hundreds upon hundreds
like us.

And in moments it was born.
A great city,
with high, strong walls,
palaces and markets.
At the height of its powers,
Uruk it was called.

"they be your subjects
and this your city. "
Said he,
Lord God in Glory.

And with a smile,
serene and warm,
liquid as melted gold
And not even a look at me,

God In Glory
attended by glorious angels,
wreathed in light itself,
rose into the heavens
with a thunderclap
and winds as strong
as the hills.

My brother, my lord
who was younger than I,
walked proudly to his subjects.
Sparing me no smile
and all the while,
Not even a look to me
Gave he.

As he ruled
his kingdom strong,
I could do more but watch.
Watch its power
and its glory
like a stranger -
From afar.

The gold dusted tower,
majestic and sure.
A symbol of his strength,
grew tottering and weak,
as his subjects friends and lovers,
Grew as corrupt and rotten as he.

One fateful day,
it could take no more
and amidst a howling gale,
with needle rain
and gales and winds,
the tower collapsed with him.

Even then, even now,
I've lived alone.
All the while,
just wondering how,
God In Glory,
Almighty, all-knowing
overlooked his oldest child.

There must me a reason,
I tell myself.
But now as I watch,
always watch,
I know hope
is all that's left.

Now others like me,
younger than I
scarcely come
before my eyes.

For the mountains harsh,
deserts as harsh
and fey glades completely hidden,
see often not the human's rot
as far as it has ridden.

But still I see,
always see,
from the fringes,
from the dark.

For I am she,
sister of the king, eldest of ye all.
And I who saw the beginning,
Will surely see our fall."

OK so that's it. I hope you liked it guys. I know it's kinda vague but that's the thing. Each of you can interpret it however you want. To some, it's just a story. To others it might be while lot more.
Just saying.

My continued attempts at writing depend on you commenting. So please read and let me know what you think.

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