Chapter Three

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Elide was never at ease when Dorian was around. He was, after all, an Havilliard. His father was the one who stole everything Aelin was supposed to have. The Terrasen Corporation she was to inherit and the loved company her, Elide's, parents joined to build with their sweat and blood alongside with the Galathynius family.

He was okay, they said. Even Aelin did; though she thought maybe her judgement was clouded by the fact that they dated for a while. She believed, after all, that love is separate from matters in once's improvement or maintenance of their social status. Dorian may have loved her, for all she cared, but could still take his father's side.

Blood is thicker than water.

Though that didn't seem to be true with regards to her and his uncle Vernon.

For him, blood is thicker than water but money could wipe that red stain away.

She clenched her jaw and looked away from the son of the man who helped with the capture of her parents from the police. Even when it was all just a set up crime. And how he paid someone to shoot---- she shook her head, trying to dispel the memories though the pang was already felt.

Mr. Havilliard was evil and still is but at least, only a few more years until Dorian takes over for him. She would be grateful, a lot, if Dorian would let Aelin claim what was hers by returning stolen stocks of the company. If he won't, she hoped Aelin was right about him and could at least try treating his employees with respect. She couldn't fathom how Aedion, Aelin's cousin, managed to bear working for the same man who reduced his beloved cousin's life into that of a mouse. She felt like crying every time she remembers how hard Aelin's life had been before she was saved from a syndicate that uses children to steal money from compassionate parents through a fake adoption as means.

That was heartless for the kids.

Letting them hope for a family and crushing it when they're forced to betray who showed them anything close to love.

"To what business do I owe your presence?"

She was shaken out of her thoughts by Manon's voice. She stood at the top of the stairs, looking down at Dorian as if a regal queen. Her eyes strayed to hers for a while before she descended the steps and came close to Dorian, looming over his seated form. Dorian dragged his eyes upward and gold met sapphire.

"Manon," he murmured then gave a slight nod to Elide's direction, to her surprise. She didn't guess he knew about her presence, or cared. She gave a tight-lipped smile anyway. Just to be polite.

"This must be important matters. Should be, Havilliard," she said, going to the opposite couch from him, separated only by a glass table with a potted plant on top. Elide prayed the pot could last long in case a fight broke out. Not that she'd expect that from Dorian; not with his proper sitting posture with hands resting on his lap, like a well-mannered princess.

"Yes," he answered and placed a folder, that she hadn't realized he was carrying before, in the table. Manon didn't seem to have any inclinations of getting it from his outstretched hand.

Manon stared at the folder impassively before looking back at Dorian. Realizing, again, that Manon didn't feel like showing any interest with the thing, Dorian explained what he came for.

"I'm sure you're aware of the unfortunate encounter we had with Chaol last Friday wherein he tried pointing a gun at you when you had my neck gripped in your arms..." he trailed off, wincing at the memory he mentioned.

Elide's brows furrowed deep. What could have triggered Manon to strangle Dorian Havilliard? Perhaps he was truly like his father, villainous and just really happy with being it? She tried to count in her head the list of reasons why Dorian Havilliard was a nice guy, like an overgrown Fleetfoot, as given to her by Aelin. She was in count three when she tuned in the thinly disguised desperation in the company-heir boy's voice.

"I'm willing to change or repair the broken bike if you could retract the case you filed against Chaol, Manon. Chaol can't have issues now or he'd be dead by his father and quickly sent back to Anielle. I need him as a confidant right now," he told her, point on, no attempt at charming his way through it, probably because he knew it wouldn't work with someone like Manon.

Manon drummed her fingers on her crossed arms before she considered this and answered.

"Then I demand a cut in the oil price market."

There was silence.

Elide knew that the Havilliard's were at the top of the oil industry. When they go high, other competitors might stay their prices at low range to gain profit although the Havilliard's still end up being first. However, lowering their oil price would be a greater blow for the other oil companies. They would have no choice but lowering theirs too because the others that go for them might just end up switching to Havilliard.

"That might take some time, Blackbeak," Dorian said with a sigh.

It was evident with his tired look that whatever Manon would ask for was as good as granted. It looked like the man was desperate enough to settle whatever dispute that Chaol had with Manon to easily agree, no matter the difficulties.

"Two weeks is as far as the stretch I can tolerate," Manon added.

Dorian opened his mouth then seemed to change his mind on whatever he was to say.

"Okay," he said simply and left at Manon's signal (which was a flick of her fingers).

"Was it really necessary to ask that? I know our sorority, under your command, manufactures the most advertised and probably, most damned expensive motorbike there is on this piece of land called Europe but were we really desperate for that oil?" I asked her, my brows furrowed.

It was just really irritating not having an idea with what was going in her mind. I should be used to it but that doesn't mean I couldn't ask when I thought it was safe.

"I though you didn't like him?"

I opened and closed my mouth, like a carp.

I knew I didn't but it's just...

She must have seen my answer on my face because she smiled, slowly, and bended down to whisper in my ears.

"Having your whims answered is power, Elide," she whispered.

And that was the end of it.

AN: Hello. So I wrote this days before EoS was released. And can I just say Manorian steamy scene made me feel awkward as hell? I was supposed to like it O guess but... I didn't. Not really.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2016 ⏰

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