Chapter 6

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As I drove back home, a constant blinking caught my attention. I looked down at the gas tank and saw it was running empty. I pulled into the empty parking lot of Will's Auto Shop. Thankfully the light inside the office was still on. I stepped outside my car as one of the garage doors opened.
"Excuse me sir, is there any way you have any gas? I just ran out and this is the only place I could come by on short notice. Can you help me?"
The man gawked at me as soon as his eyes met mine. "Olivia?" He asked.
My eyebrows furrowed as I looked back a t him. "How do you-?" My words stopped short as my eyes traveled to his name tag sewn into his shirt. Elliot Carter.
"Micah.." I whispered. "Oh my god, I barely recognized you. You're so tall and-" I tried not to gape as I admired his physique. "Muscular." I finished. "I haven't seen you since high school."
"Not much has changed unfortunately," He chuckled, "Wow. You look amazing."
I nearly choked on a breath. "Uh thank you, you do too. Really, you look a lot more.." I exhaled heavily, "Built."
He smirked, "I did alright. But uh, I'm not one to be nosy but what are you doing out here so late?"
"Uh, I just got back from a party."
"A party?" His eyebrows raised and he laughed.
"What's so funny?" I crossed my arms.
"Nothing." He smiled. God I can't believe I could have forgot his smile. "I just didn't know you go to parties."
"Of course I do, I go to a lot of parties." I lied.
He nodded, "I bet. You really have changed."
He stood there smirking, his eyes traveling my body and I could soon start to feel my cheeks burn. I looked away and I cleared my throat.
"Right well, let me get that gas for you." He said as he disappeared into the garage before coming out with a gallon.
"So," He started, "You didn't drink at that party right? I wouldn't want to be the last person who's seen you before your death."
I stifled a giggle. "Uh, no, I didn't. I actually went for Landon."
He stopped what he was doing for a split second before brushing it off and continuing what he was doing. "Landon?" He said nonchalant. "Man I haven't seen him in a long time. How is he?"
"He's doing good.." I hesitated as I looked down, "He proposed."
Micah dropped the gallon as gas was leaking out. "Shit." He muttered underneath his breath as he picked it up and continued to pour it in the tank. He cleared his throat before speaking again, "Wow, uh that's.. that's great. I'm glad to hear that. Congratulations to the both of you."
I stared at him in confusion. "Wait, what?"
He stood up and faced me. "It's alright, you don't need to pretend. I knew you and Landon we're going to be together eventually. It was really only a matter of time. But give him my regards, to the both of you. You deserve every bit of happiness life can give you."
"What?" I asked. "Uh I think you misunderstood."
"There's nothing to misunderstand. I think we've always known that things were going to turn out this way. It's funny actually because you were my-"
"He didn't propose to me, Micah."
I stopped him before he could say any more. My heart was hurting enough and I didn't want Micah digging up old scars that have been long put to rest.
"He didn't?" He asked. Now it was his turn for his cheeks to burn. "Wow, I'm so sorry. I didn't-"
"I know you didn't. He didn't propose to me, he-" I looked down again,"He proposed to Phoebe."
"Phoebe Richards?" He repeated.
I nodded. "Phoebe Taylor in a matter of time." I almost punched myself for saying that.
"Wow, last time I heard she was recently signed to a modeling agency. I think I saw her in a magazine recently, very skimpy. " He paused, "You don't seem so happy about it."
I looked up. "What? Of course I'm happy. He's my best friend."
"Yeah but all the things I said were.. true." He replied, "You know that. You and Landon just always seemed like you guys were going to-"
"Well we weren't."
"You guys already fought like a married couple. I just assumed you were gonna-"
"We're not."
"Yeah, but-"
"Look, can we not talk about this anymore? Tonight is really not the night and its really none of your business. I would just like to have my gas and go."
The pause of silence stilled between us.
"I'm sorry." He murmured, "If it means anything, you deserve a lot better."
I smiled a small smile in response. He closed the cap to the gas gallon and turned to put it away.
"How much do I owe you?" I asked but he only shook his head. "It's on me."
"Are you serious?" I gawked, "You don't have to do that, you really don't."
"I want to," he said, "It's the least I could do after I ran my mouth like an idiot."
We both chuckled and I smiled at him. "Thank you Micah. I really appreciate it." I turned to get into my car.
"Wait L-Liv."
My heart warmed as he called me by my nickname, something I haven't heard come from his mouth in what seemed like forever. I turned back around. "Yeah?"
He hesitated again. "Uh, nothing. It's nothing, nevermind. Goodnight."
"Oh, that's fine. Goodnight." I got into my car and looked at my childhood friend. My body was exhausted and I was ready to give out for the night. He smiled and waved at me until I drove away.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2017 ⏰

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