Awaited Feelings

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"There is something I need to tell you" Ezra stuttered horrendously.
My eyes began to fill up with salty tears. Seeing him like this broke me.
"Aria..I still love you..."he replied, gasping for breath.
I smile.
"I left you because..."
"It's okay Ezra. You don't have to explain."
"No...I do" Ezra coughs.
I stroke his face, tears pouring out of my red face.
He seemed so weak. My Ezra was always strong.
"Noel Kahn threatened to beat you if I didn't leave for good" he said after a while.
I gasp. I couldn't believe the man who I once fell in love with and hadn't seen for seven years was telling me this.
"I've always loved you, Aria. I just didn't want you to get hurt".
I hug Ezra tight, fiddling with his hair. I'd wanted to run my fingers through his soft, brown , curly hair for so long. I'd awaited this feeling forever.
I kissed him on the cheek. I could see his weak face suddenly strengthen and lighten the minute I left his cheek.
I'd suddenly felt the feeling I felt seven years ago. I was sad, angry , scared, happy.
But I was also in love again.
"Ellie is seven." I whisper.
"Ellie...what a beautiful name" he replies.
"So you remember you had a daughter."
"Aria, I've been imagining what she looks like for years."
I smile, then kiss his lips. They felt smooth, and warm. He kissed back lightly. He wrapped his arms around me.
The kiss lasted for a strong five minutes until visiting hours were over.
As I was leaving, I turned. Ezra was still looking at me, and he smiled his adorable , boyish smile.
I mouthed back-

"I love you."


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