Chapter Five: What Does This Mean?

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As soon as I reached home, I slammed the door to my room. I know I should have not done that, but it was intuitive. I did not mean to do it. It just happened. Right when I thought that I could have a relaxing evening with Raji, Siva and his gang had to show up. What was up with Dhanush anyways? What was his problem? He just loves to bother me. I wish he could find another target and leave me alone!

There is one thing that can calm me down. That one thing is writing. I took off my clothes. What is that smell? I think it is coming from my clothes. They definitely need to get washed. I will ask Amma to wash them. On second thought, I should wash them. Amma already has to take care of one baby.That baby is Appa. She does not need another baby breathing on her neck. I scrubbed my face until I felt the Dhanush germs wash away with the tornado that my sink managed to create. I have to call a plumber to fix the sink as well. Why was everything in the house so out of order? Perhaps I am being too paranoid? Perturbed, I proceeded towards my desk. My desk is filled with an assortment of pens and journals. I pick out one journal from my collection and start writing.

Dear Diary,

Today was the first day of university. At first, I was very nervous to even take a step into class. However, with Raji by my side, I was able to bravely strut into class. Okay, I did not strut. I was rushing to class and managed to reach class before missing a single minute of the lecture. Ma'am was very benign towards me. She did not yell at me even though I was late to class. I was expecting my ears to hurt from the scolding. However, she only asked if I was Keerthy.

A lot happened in class today. Ma'am asked me a question. I was so surprised by her question that I was gawking at her. Normally, teachers do not call on me. I hide myself in the back of class, so that I do not get called on. I do not like being the center of attention. I want to maintain a low profile while I can. She realized that she would not get an answer from me, so she asked this other kid to answer her question. This other kid gives a perfect answer. Everyone was applauding him. What is wrong with everyone? What do they see in him? Anyways, I also fell asleep in class at one point! How embarrassing! I am glad that Raji woke me up before Ma'am noticed me. I hope there are not any drops of drool on my clothes. Maybe that is where the bad smell came from? Anyhow, I feel a yawn coming in, so I will sign off now.

Yours Truly,


As soon as I closed my journal, my eyes started to fall into deep slumber.

My physics teacher just announced a lab experiment. As soon as the news of the lab experiment erupted, everyone was rushing to different corners of the room. It is imperative to have at least three classmates in a team. With Raji and I, that only makes two. Who else could we ask to be the third member of your team? As I looked around for someone who was just as confused as we were, Siva walks up to us with a grin on his face. What does he want now? Was yesterday's debacle not enough?

"Hey, Keerthy. Do you have any room for an extra member? Wait a minute! What is this? Do you only have two members in your team? You must feel so awkward right now. Do not worry! I will be that third member in your team."

"As a matter of fact, I feel great. So, there was no need to assume my well-being. As far as getting that other member of the team, I am sure that we can find someone else who is not you to be part of the group. What happened to Dhanush and Soori? Are they not supposed to be part of your team. I thought you guys stuck to each other like glue."

"I hate to disagree with you, but you look very atrocious right now. That blue sweater? It is not working for you honey. I do not know if you noticed this, but Dhanush and Soori are no where in this class. In fact, they do not have this class today. Look at everyone else in the class. Everyone else seems to have already found their groups. Anyways, welcome the new member of your team, Siva"

As much as I hate to admit it, but Siva is right. Everyone else seems to be settled in its own little groups. Defeated, I glanced at Raji. Although she hated Siva with every fiber in her body, she gave me a sad look as well.

"Anyways, there is no time to waste. Hand me the instructions. Let us get this lab on the roll. First, we have to connect the voltmeter to the resistor. Here is the voltmeter. Now, where is the resistor? Keerthy? Raji? Anyone?"

For a second, I zoned out. I questioned the meaning of life. When I did come back to my senses, my head collided with Siva's head. Man, he has such a strong head. What is even made out of? Metal? How is anyone's head that hard?  After we muttered our apologies, our fingers brushed against each others. Uncomfortable, I quickly removed my hand and went to the other area of the lab area.

Ahhhh! As soon as I wake up, I realize that I am sweating all over my body. That only happens when I am scared of facing reality. To be honest, I am scared of today. I have a lab experiment in physics and I did not prepare for it at all! Although I have gone to a lab experiment with no preparation at hand, it is not the lab that is worrying me. It is my close contact with Siva. What does this mean?

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