Chapter 2

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Owen couldn't believe that Jade is virgin. He had seen Devon and her from afar, thinking neither waited for their mates. Owen has been saving himself for his mate. He fell more in love with her when his wolf confirmed she's a virgin. After celebration dinner and party for them finding each other he couldn't wait to get back to their room. Jade excused herself from the party a few minutes before Owen to get changed.
Once Owen enter their room and saw Jades nightgown, he rushed to kiss her. He broke the kiss to stare into her eyes. Standing on tiptoe, Jade leaned in to kiss Owen again as she wrapped her arms around his waist. He released a soft moan as he deepened the kiss and slid his hands down her hips, cupping the soft flesh of her bottom firmly with his large warm palms and pulling her against his body with a groan. Her head began to spin and sensations overcame her. His familiar scent enveloped her as it had every time she smelled it. Her wolf was uncontrollable from his smell wanting to mark him immediately.
She could feel her need increasing with every beat of her heart.Detaching her lips from his, she pulled back slightly again, unlacing her hands from around his neck. As her trembling fingers skimmed down his broad shoulders and the length of his arms, she could feel the muscles tightening underneath his shirt at her touch. Reaching the bottom hem of his shirt , her hands slowly crept underneath to explore the flesh of his chest. Her breathing quickened as she felt the plains of muscle and the course hairs scattered across his warm skin. He gathered the fabric in his hands and tugged upward, removing the shirt that had served as a barrier between them, discarding it on the floor as her eyes locked upon his bare chest. A small breathy sound escaped her kiss swollen lips. Her eyes took in the entire view of his bare, sculpted chest and her heart sped up to an unbearable thud as she tried to control her increased breathing. Leaning in, she placed a small kiss on the center of his chest, then rested her ear in the same spot, listening to his heart beat wildly beneath

Jade could feel his hands fall back down to her waist and slowly begin to slide up her stomach, resting just under the curve of her breast. She inhaled deeply at his gentle touch as her fingers continued their exploration, tracing a fine line of course hair from just below his navel, down his lower abdomen and stopping at the top of his pants, where the trail continued below her view. One slim finger slid under the waistline of his pants, determined to finish its quest of discovery, but unable to continue further. His hips twitched at her touch and he took her breasts in a firm hold, running his thumb along the peaks beneath her night gown and feeling them pebble at his touch. Her chest began rising and falling faster and her lips parted slightly as she took in a deep breath. The sensation was more than she could have ever anticipated. It was as if small bolts of lightning shot through her core with every stroke of his thumb. Holding his breath, Owen watched as she clutched the string of his pants between her fingers. Her hand trembled as she hesitated to pull. It was a bold move and one she was not quite certain she was ready for.
As if sensing her trepidation, Owen removed one of his hands from her breast and ran his fingers through her silky rose scented curls and gently tugged, prompting her eyes up to his. With a sly sideways smirk, he nodded softly and placed his other hand on top of hers, urging her to pull on the small string. Jades  anxiety was replaced by anticipation as she mischievously raised a slim brow and chewed on her bottom lip. He wanted her to loosen his pants just as badly as she wanted to. The power was heady and she suddenly felt the need to torture him with her new-found power of seduction. Her fingers twitched, as if to pull, but then she stopped and sent him a teasing look. He groaned at her playful game and, grabbing her wrist, he pushed her palm against his length. She instinctively gripped him through his pants . A sudden thrill ran through her body as she made first contact with the part of him that she had never dared to touch. "Goodness," she breathed as her fingers started to slowly flutter up and down him tentatively, not quite knowing what else to do. With another groan, Owen rocked himself against her hand and swiftly leaned down to slash his mouth against hers urgently. As his mouth continued to ply hers, his hand skimmed over to her waist, at first gripping the soft flesh of her hips firmly, then slowly gathering the thin fabric of her bed clothes into his palm. Cool air brushed against her exposed legs as the fabric hitched higher and higher, until she felt the chill caress her backside. Her gown was gathered above her waist and the knowledge that she was half unclothed and ensconced in Owens embrace sent jolts of awareness through her. She groaned softly into his mouth, and finally throwing caution to the wind, tugged at the string around his waist, feeling his trousers grow slack on his hips. Owen let out a sound akin to a growl low in his throat as his hands released her hips and traveled down to her bare thighs. The feel of his rough, calloused hands from laboring as an omega. Now, his gentle touch grazing up her inner thigh spoke of his transformation from shy omega to exploring lover. His hands worshipped her as if she were the most precious thing he had ever touched and the thought made her heart pound harder in her chest. Jade felt as if she may swoon from the increasing pressure building in her head, and the pressure building below. He was tall and lean, but in the candle light, his dancing chest muscles beckoned to her. The contrast between his large tan hands and her small pale ones was plain enough. But now, as they slowly disrobed one another, more of their differences emerged. The biggest difference between them stood now proudly before her, peeking out of the top of his loosened pants as she broke away from his lips and dared to look down. A small gasp escaped her lips as she felt him firmly grip her bare backside in his large hands, pressing her now exposed womanhood against the part of him that was still partly concealed. "You soft..." he murmured as he nibbled on her ear lobe. Her head tilted back as her hips instinctively moved against his. She had no idea what it was her body craved, but she knew it lay between them now. With his breathing increasing, Owen loosened his grip on her and pulled back, but only slightly. The look on his face was serious and for one fleeting moment, Jade wondered if she offended him in some way. "Owen ?" she swallowed hard, waiting for him to respond. Why had he let her go so abruptly? "I need to see you...all of you," he said through clenched teeth, his jaw flexing as if he held back more than he wanted to. His hands grabbed the bunched fabric around her waist and tugged up slowly. Raising her arms above her head, she felt a cool breeze against her breasts as the thin material slipped past them and over her head. He threw the gown to the floor behind him and narrowed his eyes upon her form, stepping closer until he towered above her. She felt so small in his presence, and yet, so safe. He would never hurt her. Still, she did not know what was to come next and gooseflesh sprouted over every inch of her body, prickling at her nape. His scrutinizing gaze made her swallow audibly, hands trembling as she placed them on his chest. "Wha-what do we do now?" she asked as she looked up into his blazing hazel eyes. His hair reflected gold in the firelight and for the first time in her life, she could see his wolf peeking through his eyes. He was much more than man.
His gaze was too intense to keep and she broke away, glancing back down again. As she did, she saw more of what had lain hidden beneath his trousers. For every step he had taken closer, his trousers had slipped down a few inches. It was so large, jutting out from his body and pointing directly at her core, like an arrow marking its target. Swallowing her rising panic, she took a step back toward the bed. "Owen ," she whispered as she slowly raised a hand to touch him. It radiated heat and was hard as iron, yet soft as silk. He grunted and flexed at her touch and she gasped and pulled away, wondering if it was so easily hurt. "No, do not pull away," he breathed as he put her hand back upon him and stepped closer still. She gripped him in her palm, unsure of what to do, but knowing he wanted more. His hands came up and caressed her now bared breasts, then his head descended upon them, taking one in his mouth. Bolts of searing sensations flared through her body at the soft, warm touch of his tongue. The light scruff of his face tickled against her skin and she was enveloped again in the familiar scent of his hair as she wrapped her arms around his head and pulled him closer. Something solid hit the back of her knees and she realized in the back of her mind that it was the bed, just as Owen placed both hands on her shoulders to push her back softly. Looking down at Jade on the bed with nothing on, Owen's eyes flashed and a look crossed his face she had never seen before. Her golden locks sprawled out across the mattress and her arms rested above her head, pulling her breasts up higher. She felt as if he was a god and she, his virgin offering. "I am falling in love with you so, Jade ," he whispered as he leaned over her, propping himself up on his elbows to support his weight. "I am falling in love with you too, Owen ," she breathed as a small tear trickled out of the corner of her eye and down her temple into her hair line. He swiped his thumb across the wet streak and kissed her forehead. Somehow, that one gesture seemed more intimate and honest than any other. She knew in that moment he was receptive to her anxiety and all the other emotions flooding her mind. She wanted this more than anything, and he knew that, but he also knew this meant so much more to her than just coupling. And it meant more to him, as well. Leaning in, Owen took her lips softly with his and reached down with one hand to gently explore between her legs. She jumped at the first touch, though he had barely made contact. With a groan, he deepened his kiss and continued his exploration as she wiggled and arched beneath him. Tiny explosions of pleasure burst through her entire body with every long stroke of his fingers and she couldn't control the sighs escaping her lips as his mouth moved down the column of her neck. "Jade ..." he murmured against her neck and his hot breath trailed over her already heated skin. "I need to be inside you." Incapable of speaking as her breathing became labored, all Jade could do was follow the instincts of her body. Nodding her consent, she opened her legs wider for him, raising her hips off the bed and grappling with his shoulders to pull him nearer to her. Owens gaze locked on her spread legs, staring at what lay in between, licking his lower lip as if he were a starving animal preparing for his first feast after a long hibernation. Under his intense scrutiny, her face flamed with awareness of how intimate a moment this was. She wanted to lock her legs together in self-preservation, but he shook his head at her and gripped her knees, pulling them apart further. Owen moved between her legs, his pulsing heat grazing over her flat stomach as he scooted further down to position himself at her entrance. With one quick thrust, he entered her. Her body tensed as a stifled sob escaped her throat. Something tore deep inside her and the stinging was unbearable. She whimpered at the pain, but Owen stopped and held his body stiffly above hers, patiently waiting for her discomfort to abate. He looked down at her scrunched-up face as another tear leaked out and ran into her hair. He whispered. "Have I hurt you so badly?" He started to sit up on his elbows to break their connection, but she reached her hands up to grab his shoulders and wrapped her slim pale legs around his hips. "No, Owen . It's better now." He did not seem to believe her, too filled with fear that he would hurt her again if he moved. His jaw clenched as he restrained himself, clearly in need of release now that he had finally begun to make love to her, but much too worried to continue. To prove her point, she shifted her hips up to meet him and he groaned loudly. "Please, Owen ." She moved again. He needed no more prompting. He rested on his elbows again, burying his face in her neck and inhaling deeply of her scent while he continued to move within her. He was rewarded with a soft moan from her as she begun to find her rhythm and meet his pace. Her hands came up and her nails ran down his back slowly, feeling his muscles flex as he moved. Reaching his backside, she gripped him firmly and began to move faster, feeling his urgency rising along hers. His jaw was tense as he gritted his teeth, his eyes squeezed shut. She knew instinctively that he was nearing his completion and she tensed beneath him, feeling herself reaching a new pinnacle of pleasure she never knew existed. Explosions flooded her body and she bit back a scream, still conscious of her surroundings and not wanting to be overheard. She could feel his intensity grow as his hips moved faster. Just as she felt her body about to explode again, his exploded with hers, sending them both spiraling over the edge as they found their release in unison. Losing complete control of herself, a soft scream escaped her lips right before she went limp beneath him, feeling as if she were floating in a soft peaceful cloud after surviving a body-wracking thunder storm. He tensed then they both bite each other's shoulder marking them as mated. He kissed her sweaty brow and then her curly hair, the scents of honey, rose, and lust mixing in the air. "You are mine now, Jade . Nobody can ever keep us apart again." A feeling of fulfillment and complete contentment stole over her at the powerful possession in his voice. She decided she very much liked belonging to Owen and felt certain no force in the world could ever tear them apart. Jade blew out the remaining candle near the bed. Rising up to kiss Owen mate mark , she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down upon her and reveled in the feel of his body entwined with hers.

The following day

Jade rubbed her eyes and yawned, then stretched her long nude body as she rolled over to wrap her arm around Owens strong chest. The last thing she remembered of the night was the feel of Owens body on top of hers for their last round of love making. They had somehow found the energy to make love a third time, but she must have passed out directly after. She was sore between her legs, but she only ached for more. He had awoken in her a real woman, a woman who could not get enough of her mate. "Good morning, mate ," he murmured as he stretched and rolled toward her so their foreheads touched. "How are you feeling?" He swiped loose blonde tendrils away from her face. She giggled and rubbed her nose against his, then draped one slim leg across his hips and sighed, "Very sore...but not at all satiated..." His eyebrows rose high on his forehead, just as she felt something hard between their bodies. "Really? I can think of a few ways we can spend your renewed energy," he said as he pulled her close and gave her a rough kiss.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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