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THE SOUND OF MY PARENTS screaming drew me back into reality. I was laying on top of my bed while looking up at the ceiling.

The noise was considered normal in the Winter household. My parents were always fighting. It was their specialty to take it out on me.

The color beige washed over my dreary eyes as I looked up at my bland ceiling and around my room.

Do you ever feel so misplaced? I sometimes just look around and feel like a complete stranger in my own skeleton.

I sat up flipping my long brown hair over my shoulder.

"She is not going ruin the family name, Helen. I'm so sick and tired of her behavior."

Even from two stories up I could hear my mothers heavy sigh through the thin floors.

My mothers voice sounded raspy. "Ronnie can you come down here please?"

Within ten seconds later I stood before both of my parents; both had tiresome expressions plastered on their aged faces.

I took into consideration my mothers once, wrinkle-free face, had lines extending in every direction. Her eyes looked glossy as if she was crying.

"We're sick and tired of your behavior, Veronica." My dad brushed his hand through his tousled hair that appeared to be greyer than usual.

I scoffed. "Are you sick of my behavior or just me in general." They exchanged glances.

My mother ran her pale fingers through her crispy, long, auburn hair. "Right now we're in-between both Ronnie."

My dad sighed. "But that's besides the point. Ron, we have something to tell you. Brown called and said some amazing news last night!"

My mother cut in. "–But since you didn't come home last night we weren't able to tell you."

I sighed remembering the night I had yesterday. Let's just say it wasn't considered PG-13.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, what's the news?"

That both said in unison, "You got a full scholarship to Brown for hockey!"

I was shocked. Brown wanted me. Brown. The school I'd dream about my whole entire life wanted me to play for them. Out of 18 scholarships they picked to give me one. Wow.

"We're so proud of you Veronica. And finally you'll be able to play for the girls team for once."

My mothers shrew voice hit me like a ton of bricks. After years and years of constant team building with my boys I don't want to give that up. I liked being on a guys team. I liked being different.

I scratched the back of my neck. "But I don't want to play for the girls team mom. I want to play with the guys. I can't stand girls."

After one-too-many backstabbing so-called "best friends", I've come to the conclusion that I hate girls.

"Veronica, you received a scholarship for girls hockey not boys hockey."

"But mom—"

"Veronica no more talking, now get packing."

That was the last straw. I'm sick and tired of her telling me what to do. I slammed my fist onto the granite countertop. "That's not fucking fair, I have a life too mother. Also, It's Ronnie, get it right for once woman!" I said through clenched teeth.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2016 ⏰

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