Chapter 5

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All these thoughts were going through my head like wild horses. Where was Noah and the others. Why am I tired to a Chair and in a basement well I have no clue where I was.

" oh sweet heart your never going to be able to get away this time " the hoodie guy says coming from the shadows

" n-no! You can k-keep me here! " I struggle to get the words out.

" well your will listen to what I say or your little sibling gets hurt" he's say with a knife in his hand.

" RACHEL!!" I hear Noah screaming from where ever we were.

" NOAH!!" I yell back .

" R-RACHEl" Noah says while he cries out my name almost choking on his tears.

" Noah it's going to be fine don't cry " I say trying to clam him.

" how touching Rachel " the hoodie guy says

"Shut up you!!" I say with a rotten taste in my mouth

" well I let you see your brother if you tell me where we could find the others" he says playing with the knife.

Wait Noah is alone while Emily is with the young ones. Oh god fear is going throughout my whole body. My hand and face become very pale looking and discoloured, Just thinking about them out there scared, cold. WAIT! Where is the other guy I just noticed only one of the guys were not around.

"Where is your partner?" I asked a little to scared.

"Oh him who knows. He does what he wants he's a big boy you know" the hoodie guy says.

I'm unable to respond to him cause his friend might be out looking for Emily, Jack and Sophie. I have to come up with a plan to save them. Think Rachel think! I got it!.

" I will help you find my sisters and brother" I say

"Oh now that's music to my ears" he says with a slightly evil grin

"But first I need to know your names then you will get my help" I say scared to find out the hoodie guys name along with the other guys name.

" my name is Lucas and my partner is will.. You happy now" Lucas says looking at me.

" can you I'm tie me so I can help you" I say looking toward my arm tied to my sides.

He pulled a knife from his pocket and i immediately froze at the sight of it. He started walk toward me with his knife in hand. I thought he must have noticed my wide eyes cause he started to have a evil look on his face. I but I turn my head toward Noah and he was looking wide at me with tears streaming down his face. it shattered my heart to see him crying at the thought I had betrayed them all just to stay alive.

"Noah?" I say in a quite voice

"DONT TALK TO ME!!" He yells with his word cut deep in my heart.

I could feel tears coming up and getting ready to stream down my face. My face must have been red by now but I couldn't cry not now at least. I turn around so Noah can't see me wipe my tears away.

"Lets go" I said with a voice I haven't used before it sounded so emotionless and dry.

"Alright" Lucas says "don't try anything while we are gone cause its no use".

We walk up for the basement now the house was old looking and dusty. The windows broken except one the middle room window was still in good shape. The rest of the house was horrible the kitchen looked as if no one used it in years, the living room the floor was caving in, the couch was ripped and losing its colour. When we reached the door will the other slightly larger guy had walked up the steps.

"What is she doing up here Lucas?" will asked with a hint of anger in his voice.

"Don't worry she's helping us find her siblings will" Lucas said as he put. his hand on my shoulder.

"Is that right young lady?" Will asked me leaning down a bit to look me in the eyes.

"Y-yes that's right" I say with a shaky voice.

Will just smirks and walks past us toward the basement. Lucas turns to catch up to will and says something I couldn't quite hear. My mind and thoughts are filled with my siblings at this point I'm unable to think about anything else. Is Emily fine with the two little one keeping them clam? was she able to keep clam her self? they aren't cry are they out there alone?. I jump when a hand landed on my shoulder making me drop any thoughts I had. I turn to see Lucas giving me a slight smile. I could tell he was faking it cause he's using me to find Emily, Jack and Sophie.I wasnt about to hand them over to them that easy after finding them but i couldnt let them know that. Noah was a brave kid and he will forgive me for this when he finds out why i did what i did.

When we reached the outline of the bush it was going to be tough just looking for them cause it was like a forest with mazes. Now emily was smart she knew a lot about nature and plants so sophie and jack were in good hands. I need to find them first before lucas does cause i dont know what he will do to them if he gets hes hands on them.

We started covering ground around the house first so we didnt miss them if they were near by. lucas of course kept close to me so i wouldnt ran off but that wasnt happening cause they still had noah in their hands.I knew noah could escape but im not letting him without knowing why i was helping these guys.

"i think we should try going deeper cause they are smart kids they would never come close to the house" i say after i looked in a bush big enough to hide all three of them.

"ok but stay close girl or i might not be so nice if you try escaping" lucas says grabbing my wrist so tight that i was trying hard to keep up just so the pain would hurt less.

We looked high and low for them lucas even let me go ten feet ahead of him so if the kids see me they would come out. I knew if they see him they would stay hidden and not come out.

"EMILY, JACK ,SOPHIE WHERE ARE YOU!!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

"come on its getting dark and im hungry so i think we should pick this up" lucas says

"fine" i say slightly sad

When we to the edge of the yard i can see will coming from the oppsite direction with emily and jack over his shoulders and sohpie walking along behind him. My eyes widen with shock and fear that he got to them first and not me.

" RACHELLE!" Sohpie's eyes brighten as she sees me but soon go dark when she sees who im with.

"sophie" i take a step forward but she backs away from me.

It kills me to think that shes scares of me or is she just scared of cause lucas is behind me. what ever its is shes not coming close to me for a while i can tell.Emily looks at me as does jack and their eyes fill with fear of whos standing behind me. this is going to be a long night in the basement of this place i know it.

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