a little rant :/

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Hey guys its Thea and im about to rant my little heart out. I went to a family dinner thing and my moms family was there and somehow the topic turned to sexuality and the LGBTQA+ community. Ive realized how stupid and bias and homophobic my family really is.

My stepdad was in the army during the whole Dont ask dont tell thing and he was super pissed when it got lifted. I had asked last year if he was homophobic which he quickly turned around to ask me if i was gay and i denied it vv fast.

Fast forward to today I brought up how my mom was supposed to get me tickets to see Kinky Boots next month and i went on the explain it to my mom. Soon after my aunt is telling us how shes been going to a LGBT+ awareness meeting which is pretty much to educate the uneducated homophobe. I was so proud of her and my mom said " Oh yeah you know my daughter loves the gays".

Some lady in our group asked if it was okay to call them Queer and I simply told her it was somewhat what the Q in LGBTQA+ meant. My aunt questioned why i knew so much stuff about and my mom legit said " I say the same thing. Thea are you a bulldagger?" ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? If you dont know its a derogatory term for Lesbian.

I ignored my mom as i usually do but my aunt said something along the lines of  " you know people who support gay people are always gay themselves? thats a fact" I go to say "Thats like saying every white person supporting a black movement only does it because they feel black themselves"

So Yeah that was my day... i cant wait to get to hell and away from these idiots. goodbye

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