Great Grunkles

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"Ewww, old people," Bill said.

"Bill, don't be a meanie!" Will frowned, "But who are them?"

"Grunkle Stan, Grunkle Ford!" Jill ran forward, jumping into the arms of one of the men.

"Oof, hi there, Jill," The man chuckled, "You're getting big."

"Hi Aunty Mabel!" Jill waved to the woman who looked like Dipper.

"Hi little Jill!" The woman smiled happily.

"Jill, where are the boys?" Dipper asked. Jill pointed to the doorway, where Bill and Will were standing.

"Ah, so these are the little rascals!" One of the men said, "Wow kid, twins?"

"Heh, third generation," Dipper chuckled, "Bill, Will, come say hi to your great grunkles."

"Hi, my name's Bill Ford Cipher!" Bill walked over, holding out his hand. Will followed behind him, "And this is my brother, Will Lee Cipher!"

"This the one that blew up the hotdogs?" The man from before asked, "Ha! I like you, kid. Great Grunkle Stan, that's me."

Stan shook Bill's hand.

"Greetings, my name is Stanford," The second man said, reaching out to shake Bill's small hand.

"Woah, six fingers!" Bill blurted, "Cool! I'm gonna call you Sixer!"

The two men laughed. Will stood behind his brother and shook each of their hands.

"And you-" Bill looked at Stan- more specifically, his hat, "I'll call you Fez!"

"Nice nicknames," Stan, now dubbed Fez, chuckled.

"Bill gives everyone nicknames," Will shuffled his feet, "Some people don't really like it much."

"I'm fine with a nickname!" The woman smiled, "Hi, I'm your Aunty Mabel."

She bent down and hugged the twin boys.

"I like your earrings..." Bill said, looking at the jewelry, "...Shooting Star."

"Hey, I didn't get a nickname!" Jill said, not wanting to be left out. Bill took one look at her dress and said

"Bumble Bee."

"Yay!" Jill clapped.

"Ooh, ooh, and you're Peaches!" Bill said, spinning to face Isabella, "Because your dress sorta looks like a peach."

"Hm, ok," Isabella smiled.

"So Grunkle Stan, Grunkle Ford, how was your trip?" Mabel asked, turning to the two men.

"It was great!" Stan said, "We went to the Bermuda Triangle-"

"Well, not actually in it," Ford interrupted, "Stan was scared of the legend-"

"I was not scared," Stan cut in, glaring, "I just didn't trust the place."

"Sure," Ford rolled his eyes, "Anyways, we documented a lot of new monsters."

"Did you punch something in the face, Grunkle Stan?" Mabel asked.

"Ooh yeah, punching stuff is fun!" Bill laughed.

"Oh yeah, you bet I did!" Stan smiled.

The two grunkles told stories about their travels and adventures. Eventually the kids fell asleep, so Dipper and Mabel carried Bill and Will upstairs while Soos took Jill down to their room.

"They're so precious," Mabel said quietly as she tucked Will into bed.

"Yeah, they really are," Dipper smiled as Bill wrapped an arm around his teddy bear.

"Smol cinnamon buns," Mabel whispered.

"Haha, Mabel you're weird," Dipper rolled his eyes as the two left the room to go back downstairs.

"The kids asleep?" Stan asked

"Yeah," Dipper nodded, "You guys want a drink or anything?"

"Preferably, yeah," Stan nodded.


The next morning Bill woke up first. First in the room, and first in the house. It wasn't even sunrise yet. The boy climbed out of bed, his footie-clad feet hitting the floor with a small thud. He padded out of the room, walking downstairs quietly. Once he reached the living room he saw his great grunkles sleeping.

He entered the kitchen, looking around before heading to the cupboard. He pulled out a box of cereal, getting an idea.


Dipper was in his room, fast asleep, when suddenly a loud CRASH! woke him up. He quickly sat up and rushed down the the hall, leaving a confused Mabel on the floor.

"What happ- woah!" Dipper skid to a stop in the kitchen doorway, dressed in only boxers and socks. There was a broken bowl shattered on the floor and Bill was standing on the counter next to Stan and Ford.

"What- Bill- Stan- I- What happened?" Dipper asked, taking in the scene.

"The little one here tried to make breakfast," Stan said, picking up Bill.

"Bill, how'd you even get on the counter?" Dipper asked, grabbing the broom and dustpan.

"I floated!" Bill said, struggling to get out of his great grunkle's grip.

"I- whatever," Dipper sighed and shook his head, sweeping up the broken bowl.

"Dad, w-what happened?" Will appeared in the doorway, rubbing his eyes with a balled-up fist. In his other arm he held his teddy bear and was trying not to yawn.

"Nothing, Will, it's fine," Dipper assured, "Nothing to worry about."

"Oh... ok," Will nodded and went to go back upstairs.

"Grunkle Stan, could you take Bill back upstairs, please?" Dipper looked at him as he threw the shards away.

"Sure thing kiddo," Stan said. He left the room to carry a pouting Bill back upstairs.

"Well, I'm not going back to sleep," Ford said, checking his watch.

"Yeah, me either," Dipper shook his head, "I'm just gonna start on breakfast."

A while later the smell of bacon woke Will up. He remembered that smell from the Christmas mornings they spent at the orphanage. Other than holidays they didn't really get a specially made breakfast. He woke Bill up and the two went downstairs, where Dipper was just finishing cooking.

"Morning Dad," Will yawned, padding into the kitchen.

"Good morning Will, Bill," Dipper smiled.

"Am I in trouble?" Bill asked.

"No, it was an accident," Dipper sighed, "But you have to be careful."

"Ok," Bill nodded. Dipper didn't notice but Bill seemed to float up to sit on his chair.

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