Bully AU

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Ah, school. Especially high school. Freshman's to seniors, and rude as fuck students. Bullies. Well, it's not much of a problem if they're not after you. The king of the bullies-- Well, in school, was Raphael. People imagined him to be more beefy, but he actually had arms like noodles. Don't get fooled, he's actually really strong. Aside from that, Marie. A quiet student that's well talented in the school's orchestra, she was going to her usual class...In the busiest hallway. Students were running, bumping into people walking-- Until Marie got pushed, falling down along with the person that was next to her.

"I'm sorry I--"

Everyone gasped, Marie stood up and looked at the face of the person she accidentally fell down with. Oh no. Yep, you guessed it-- It was that certain redhead with brown eyes. Marie froze for a moment, then started dashing to her next class.

"DÉSOLÉ!!" Marie shouted, running as fast as she could.


It was now lunch time. Marie, sitting in the cafeteria as she wondered about how it's going to go for her after the accident that happened. Marie sighed, then as she was about to stand up, someone tapped her shoulder.

"Hm? How may I--"

"What's your name."

Raphael asked, stepping closer to Marie as she stepped back.
"M-Marie..." She said, seeing his eyes widen, then turning around and walking away.  Marie looked confused, but glad at the same time.


The school day finally ended, Marie finally decided to tell Raphael to stop. With all the time she had left, she decided to search for him. She checked all the spots where she would see him. Until, she was finally at the back of the school. There she was. Raphael, and a freshman. It was obvious what Raphael was doing to the poor kid. When she was about to witness Raphael punch the student, Marie finally came in to block the punch. It sure hurt, a punch to the gut was never a good feeling. Marie flinched, then slowly walked closer to him.

"You..You need to stop doing this." She said, Raphael had a look of guilt on his face, he didn't know what to do, so he ran. Ran to the Eiffel Tower.

"Hey! Wait!"


Marie finally arrived at the Eiffel Tower, she was searching for Raphael, just wanting to tell him that she's okay.

"I'm okay!! I'm not angry at you!" She shouted, then sighed. Maybe he wasn't here. She started walking to the exit, until she heard footsteps, really close ones. Marie turned around too quick, and that resulted with Raphael and her kissing on accident.


Marie immediately pulled away, her face flushing bright red.

"I-I-I'M SORRY!!" She screamed, hiding her face in her hands. Raphael tried to play cool, but failed. Instead he held her close, then asked,

"A-are..Are you...Really not hurt or angry at me?" He looked really guilty. Marie's face turned back to normal, then smiled.

"It was just a small bruise..I just want you to stop. If you be mean to another student, I will REALLY angry with you." Marie said with a stern voice, until Raphael nodded and smiled.

"I'll do it for you."


The next day arrived, Raphael and Marie came to school together, holding hands. Everyone stood still as they saw the two holding hands.

"Hey!! Are you two dating?!"

Marie stood still, Raphael stuttering.

"Wh-what..?! It's n-nothing like that!! We just-- I mean--!!" His face turned red as he thought about it. Yep those two were dating.

(A/N be prepared for more raphmarie aus)

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