I wuv you

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It was a normal morning, everyone was smiling to the bright blue sky's or laughing with friends. But prince was all alone. He knew what he did was wrong but at the time he thought it was "fun". He was being rude to his friends. Even to one of his best friend Lui. He had a crush on her but he knew she would not feel the same as him. As he walked down the street he saw something that would break his heart. It was Lui! But...with a another guy.

"L-Lui?" He said but with a voice so quiet no one would be able to hear.

"Has he been a jerk to you lately?" He asked.

"Yes",Lui said with sadness,"You know thanks for coming Yugi!"

"No problem", Yugi replied, "Anything for you." 

"Bye!"Lui yelled as she walked off. 

"Bye", Yugi replied with a smile on his face.

Prince wanted to cry or tear up knowing the one he liked had some one else. As he walked home he couldn't stop thinking of Lui and this "Yugi" person together. He look at the sky and started singing "You are my sunshine". As he walked in his house he fell on his bed and started to tear up.

"Why can't she see I like her!?"He yelled at his wall.

Sooner or later he started to cry knowing that he had no chance with her. He couldn't sleep so he was going to watch youtube videos till he goes to sleep. Before he went to bed he watched a Itzlui video. When it ended he turn off his phone(or whatever he has)and went to bed. But before he did,

He sang,"You are my sunshine,my only sunshine,you make me happy,when skies are gray,you never know dear,how much I love you,please don't take my sunshine away...I miss you".

The next morning.

Prince woke up not knowing what the day was going to bring to him. He got up and got out of his pjs and put his normal clothes on so he can go for a walk. As he was walking he bumped into Lui. The thing was she was crying. Prince was shocked that Lui was crying. When she saw it was him all she do was hug him and cry.

"Why are you crying?" Prince asked still shocked.

"P-Pri-Prince Yugi broke up with me for a another girl," she said with a sad voice.

"What!?!"Prince yelled with anger.

"I love h-"

Prince stoped Lui before she can continue. He opened his mouth to say something but he couldn't all what came out was "um..Lui...I..um". When he was brave enough to tell her how he feels Lui stoped him by...kissing him!! When she done kissing him his face was red as a tomato. 

"I'm sorry!" Lui said with fear,"But prince I guess I didn't like Yugi but I-I like you!"

"I like you to Lui!" He yelled with happiness and hope in his voice. 

"So....?" They both said not knowing what to do next. 

"Lui?" Prince spoke up.

"Yes?" Lui replied.

When Lui replied Prince hold on to her hands and started dancing. Sooner or later Lui danced with and they both started singing you are sunshine. When they were done Prince asked her out and she said yes! When they made a vid that lince was real the fans went wild! But they didn't care cause all they knew was they loved each other and noting would stop them.  

                                                                                   THE END

Hope you enjoy somehow. And this is meant to be taken as a JOKE. Ok!? I don't ship it! I was really borded and did not feel like sleeping so this was made. So if Lui or Prince find this (somehow) this is a joke! Plz don't hate meh ;-;   And if you do ship its ok I'm not hating in any way I promise. Well.... :1 Bai!

Don't mind this thing (Idek what it XD)




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