Chapter 1: The Hunt

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It is a time of chaos. A mysterious army led by twin conquerors has carved a path of destruction across the worlds of the warring Galactic Republic and Sith Empire, then disappeared into uncharted space. Meanwhile, an older threat still looms: the former SITH EMPEROR,revitalized after annihilating all life on the planet Ziost, has similarly vanished without a trace. Determined to hunt down these dangerous foes at any cost, Imperial leader DARTH MARR gathers allies from both factions to join his incursion into the far reaches of Wild Space....

The small Republic ship docked at the space station. Juuntza took a deep breath, and she and Vette stepped off of the ship. The doors to the station opened.

"This won't be a long stop, but we should restock whatever supplies we can," Juuntza told Vette. She paused for the sarcastic reply.

"Fuel, food, and fun, coming right up! Just... be sure to remember whose ship we're on. 'Truce' doesn't mean we can't keep our eyes open." Vette nodded and walked back to the ship, while her master approached an Imperial captain.


"Lord Wrath. Darth Marr awaits you on the bridge. I trust you remember the way?" The officer was blunt and rude, but it didn't take Juuntza by surprise.

"Has Marr really found the Sith Emperor all the way out here?"

"I wouldn't presume to speak for Lord Marr. But I've never known him to exaggerate. Welcome aboard," the captain abruptly ended the conversation. Juuntza nodded to her, and walked down the halls of the ship, hearing murmurs about her, both negative (from Republic troops) and positive (from Imperial troops and a few impartial Republic). Marr was in a large control room, gazing out at the stars.

"I received your message," Juuntza stated, "and now that I'm here... I sense it too."

"We grow closer every moment. Our former Emperor is out there."

"Do you know what could have brought him to this area? My ship's charts don't have much."

"There are rumors of many civilizations in this region, but our only outposts nearby were destroyed without explanation some time ago. The culprits were never determined." He shook his head. Juuntza sighed, realizing that he was on a roll. "Why travel so far? Why consume every living thing on Ziost, then turn and flee into the depths of Wild Space?"

"He definetly didn't sound afraid the last time we spoke. Could this all just be a game to him?" She'd had to think logically for many years now, despite her youth. Why couldn't the Sith Emperor? Someone with such wisdom, with centuries at his side. She had been alive only twenty-one years. Life had taken such a turn two years ago... First, she'd left Dromund Kaa s at nineteen, then she'd fought Darth Baras at twenty, and by then had become romantically engaged.

"We'll soon find out. If we do locate him, I believe I can press the Dark Council into line... But what of the Republic? The cooperation we've received has been beneficial... but limited. And apparently unofficial. Will your government help destroy this threat?"

"There are some people in the republic that can be trusted. I could contact Theron Shan."

"A spy... But if we have no other means..." An alarm went off, and a panicked technician stood up.

"My lord! Sensor contact, fifteen clicks! Small... No life form readings... some kind of probe?"

"Readings are identical to the scans from the unknown force that attacked Korriban," an Imperial officer called from the other side of the room.

"Raise shields. Pursue, and destroy," Marr ordered.

"Careful, Marr," Juuntza warned. "This could be an ambush."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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