Chapter 8

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"What the hell are you wearing?" he asked,

"Hey shut up, these are my favorite PJ's." he just kept laughing.

"Sorry I didn't realize a 19 year old still where's footie PJ's with Mickey on them."

"I'm not 19 yet, so it's okay."

"So when you turn 19 you will stop wearing them." He asked raising his eyebrows at me.

"No probably not."

"That's what I thought." He joked.

"And Jesus Christ, you hair is long, did it grow like 10 inches since you went in there? I swear it wasn't that long an hour ago." I couldn't help but laugh.

"Are you going to pick on me all night? And that's because I had it up earlier."

"Sorry I will stop, but just for tonight. I like your hair down its pretty."

"Why thank you kind sir." I said in a mock British accent. I've never been this playful around a guy before. I even feel more comfortable. I almost feel like he knows what it's like to have a shitty life, like he understands.

"Are you making fun of me?" he asked.

"Of course not." I said in the accent again. He started laughing.

"You are awful at that."

"Do you want some tea and crumpets? I could really fancy some." He started laughing even harder than before.

"That's a stereo type. I don't think I've ever had a crumpet before. And you are making a disgrace to British people all around, please stop." He said still laughing.

"Sorry governor."

"Is it out of your system now?"

"Yup, I'm good now."

"Thank God because that was dreadful."

"It wasn't that bad." I teased.

"It was that bad." He said. I shook my head and grabbed my book off of its shelf.

"You have a lot of books." He stated looking at my filled book shelf.

"Yea, I like reading. I'm majoring in English; I want to be a publisher and a writer."

"That's cool, I'm a major in business, I didn't know what else to do." He shrugged.

"That could be cool, you could start your own company or something." I plopped down on my bed and got my book ready. Asher got up from his bed and started looking at all my book titles,

"Are these all romance books novels?" he asked.


"Typical, do mind if I read one?" I was surprised that he actually wanted to read one at all.

"Yeah go ahead I don't mind." He looked through the books and just pulled a random one out of the shelf. The Book he pulled out was fifty Shades of Grey. I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"You might not want to read that one." I said.

"Why not? The cover looks cool."

"Haven't you ever heard don't judge a book by its cover?"

"Why is it a bad book?" he asked.

"No not at all it's just intense..." I stated.

"What you think I can't handle it." he said opening up to the first page and sitting on his bed.

"Fine, go ahead read it." I can't wait to see the look on his face when he figures out what it is. He laid down on the bed and. Started reading.

"You know this Christian guy kind of seems like a freak." He said about an hour later. I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Just keep reading. It gets better. What part are you at?"

"Um...she just got on the helicopter with him." Ha-ha he was about to find out.

Just as I was about to put my book down and go to sleep Asher closed the book and just looked at me.

"What the fuck did you let me just read?" he said looking at me disgusted. I started laughing harder than I ever had before.

"I told you not to read it!"

"Yea you didn't say that it was a fucking porno! And the guys is a crazy man!" I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard.

"I don't like you anymore. Your back to Lucia-Rose for now." He was being so dramatic, but I could tell he was kidding.

"I warned you." I managed to get out through my laughs. He looked at me and saw how hard I was laughing; I could see a small smile appear on his lips.

"Go to sleep I don't want to talk to you anymore." He pouted.

"Fine you baby. Good night." I said as I shut off the lights on my side of the room. I turned so my back was to him. I could hear him shuffling around, probably putting his pajamas on. A few minutes after the lights shut off.

"Night, sweet Dreams." He said. That was ironic because I probably won't be having any sweet dreams, I never do.

"Night, sweet dreams."

This isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I can do this. He seems nice. I'm not completely comfortable with the whole thing yet, but I'm sure I can adjust, or at least try to.

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