Beach day

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Gabriela wakes up and I watch her she's hugging Princess Winter so Tight."how long was I asleep" Gabriela asks. "Dunno" I lift my shoulders up. "It's 8 o clock I whisper I think everyone's in bed". "Ok I'm going back to sleep until tomorrow" Gabriela smiles then plonks herself back down on the bed. I lie beside her and drift off asleep.

The Next Morning:

Beep beep: 9:00am already! I jump up and grab some clothes: Leather skirt Checkered shirt black tank top I button the shirt up halfway yellow pineapple ankle socks.... I run down to the bathroom and brush my teeth then I use mouthwash. Then I grab my white bag and all my books. Then I leave them at the door. Then I run into the sitting run and tie my long red hair into a ponytail. I rush up stairs grabbing my white high top converse I tie my laces. I run and get my watch I strap it round my wrist. I run back down stairs and by my surprise the boys are ready waiting in the car. "All set" Connor asks grinning at Jack. "Yes all ready" I reply. They start to chuckle. "What?!?" I ask. Then I realise something I don't have coffee in my hand. I run back into the kitchen heat up a coffee and run to the car again. "Right lets go" I mutter. "Kk"  Connor starts the car and we drive off to my school they drop me and speed off I walk into school feeling invisible because I don't remember any of their faces. "LYDIA LYDIA!!!" I hear two high pitched screams it's the twins Bella and Aleyeza. Their running to the top of the hall. "WHY ARE THEY TALKING TO YOU" my inner voice says. The twins run past me behind. I look back their hugging a girl with long auburn hair curly at the end her eyes are dark blue her hair is scraped back into a ponytail she's wearing a gorgeous lime green dress knee high it's flowing down and up my the crinkle cuts in it its long sleeved with holes by the elbows she looks incredible in it. "Hey Lydia" I hear a voice from behind me. It's Josh but why is he talking to me? I freeze still and realise that it's the girl behind me. But who is she and why is she here? I start speed walking to history. 6 hours later. School is finished and I decide to walk home. Well to the green shop on going to do some gardening with Gabriela.

I'm walking home Xx
                                          Six miles!?!?!?
Yes six miles I'm ok trust me xx
                                  Ok suit yourself...
Gway already..
                                   Kk baii
Go away 😂😂

I quickly send the text to Jack and walk slowly to the green shop. I get a text from my mum she lives Canada now.

                              Hey hunny school gud

Yeh it was ok I guess...

Wait why does my mum want to now how it was I haven't talk to her in 3 months. Anyway I slowly walk to the green shop I finally get there around 4:36 I walk in. "OH LYDIA" a voice says coming out of the staff room it's my nan she's putting away the soil. "Can I have a few strawberry seeds some
Shovels" I ask "sure" she replies. She disappears into the back room. 2 minutes later she comes back with my order. "Thank you" I say looking very surprised that they were good quality shovels. I give her the money and walk out. "TAXI TAXI CAB TAXI TAXI" I call waiting for a taxi to my surprise one pulls up on the curb. I jump in "to ferland fields I say pointing towards the windscreen" the driver and I crack up laughing I realise that the driver isn't old or in his twenties. I look at his card Name: Ollie Age:18 From:  Canada. "I'm Ollie" the driver says. "I'm Lydia" I say. "Do you go to national high?" Ollie asks keeping his eyes on the road. Yeh why? I ask curious. Just wondering he says his eyes looking back but head staying forward. Your not old are you? I say. Nope just helping my grandad's business he says smiling. Wait are you a kidnapper trying to kidnap me in my school I say. We both laugh... Haha no if I'm your age why would I kidnap you? Ollie asks. Because I'm beautiful and you will never find a girl this pretty in your whole entire life after this I say flicking my hair and grinning. We both laugh. His smiles fades and we stop at my house. Umm how long are you driving I ask I ask my lips folding in. Ah just today my grand pa said just today sunny. We both laugh. So when will I see you again he says as I'm packing my bag. Again? What did he just at AGAIN my inner voice. Umm di you go to high school here a nhigh? I ask. Yeh he says. Ok well at 12:37 I'm finished football practice swing around the bleachers I say. SWING WHAT ARE YOU EVEN SAYING my inner voice shouts. K Ollie says brushing his fingers through his dark hazelnut brown hair. I get out of the taxi and walk in the door. IM HOME I shout around the house. OH finally Jack and Connor come out smiling Jack has a notebook ( he's an artist in training). And Connor was holding Gabby. GABBY! I hug Gabriela and hold her in my hands. Hello she says back looking at the bag from b&c. Today gabby a wearing a Black little polo neck and a lovely checkered skirt and white converse with black tights. Hey I say tickling her. She's laughing for a moment I feel as if she's my best friend or long lost sister. Are you getting out of your school clothes or what? Gabby says holding princess winter up as if she was talking to me. Right now I put the bag at the door and run upstairs to change in the exact clothing that Gabby's wearing:) What are we going to do Gabby asks. Umm what about you can go do some gardening with Connor and Jack while I plan a surprise and meet someone. I have soccer training first so I'll see ya later I say smiling going out the door. CONNOR AND JACK ATTENTION I hear Gabby's voice screaming I can hear Connor and Jack marching in like soldiers. I laugh and walk to school JOKING I DIDN'T WALK SIX MILES! I took the bus I got to practise and did my QB business. And look who showed up Ollie but it was suppose to be tomorrow he was showing up how did he know I was here? I walk over and sit on the bench drinking my water. I got up and got changed and walked up to him tomorrow dude I laugh! How did you know I was here? I ask. He looks at me you left your schedule in the taxi here he hands me my schedule. Thanks I reply him a smile:). I want to bring you to my friends he says looking at me. Woah!! Woah!! Woah!! But to soon aye? I say smiling at the ground. What!? You don't trust me he says smiling. Nope I don't think your responsible I laugh. Really I saved a cat from drowning he says chuckling. Oh mister fireman I'm sorry I laugh. Ok I do trust you now I laugh we walk across the road and down the block and we are at his friends. His friend answers the door. HEY NIKKI Ollie says. OLLAY!! Mah man nikki replies. We walk in there a couple of boys and girl HEY SO WE HAVE.... Nikki says. I'm Cat a girl in the corner with dark hazelnut hair. I'm Lauren says a girl from the corner with a short blonde hair. I'm Jackson a boy says with blonde hair. AND IM PAUL another boy says I stare at his ginger hair. And did you meet my girlfriend nikki says. MELISS nikki calls. A gorgeous girl walks down the stairs she's wear a tight black dress white high heels and her brown hair is tied up in a lovely ponytail. I'm Lydia I look around the room and see Lauren smiling I decide to sit next to Jackson and Ollie. What will we do! Cat says chewing her gum. Hmmmm we all say at the same time we all laugh. Lauren: hehehehehe. Cat: hahaha. Hahahahahhahahhahahhahahahahahhehehehehhehehehehehhehahahahhahhohooho. After that we all suggest to go to the secret GRAFFITI park. We all walk there well actually I stand on the pegs of the back of Lauren's scooter and she scoots.

The park.
Truth or dare Lauren. Cat says smiling. Dare Lauren says. Paul winks at Jackson Jackson winks at Nikki winks at Ollie winks back at Jackson. I dare you to umm. KISS... Umm car stops my heart starts beating wow this is such a game me inner voice says make sure you get a good one. Kiss JACKSON cat says to Lauren. Lauren's eyes light up. They both stand up and hide behind the wall.
Behind the wall:
Ok pretend Jackson whispers to Lauren ok. But in the end they actually come back. YOU DIDN'T DO IT Cat screams. Fine they both say. In front of us. Lauren moves closer to Jackson he holds her and kisses her. We all stay silent. As the kiss comes to an end. One of Nikki's friend comes up. Hey hey hey what did I miss eh? He says. I stare at him his bright blue eyes and his dark brown hazelnut messy hair he looks like a POPSTAR.... He's gorgeous.. I mean BEAUTIFUL... Ok he's good looking.

Hey where you?
Oh at friends brb...

I quickly send the text back to Connor. Guys I gotta go I say I swiftly stand up and walk home......

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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