Jerza #1

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Erza Scarlet was having a great time at the party, at the palace after the grand magic games and the dragon king festival. They had emerged victorious after a very hard and gruesome fight, so now they were here to celebrate. And celebrate they did! There was drinking and merriment not to mention there were so many arguments between the guilds that evens few fists were crossed, all in good nature of course.
But she couldn't suppress her sigh. She had spent so much time with him during all this, that now she began to miss him. Jellal. He had protected her and treated her like something sacred during the war with the dragons and then he had just vanished without any warning and without so much as a second glance in her direction. She sighed. Shaking it off, she smiled at everything around her, happy to see everyone else so friendly with each other *Gajeel punches Rogue*.

She decided that she had enough fun for one night, and she should head back to the hotel and catch up on her sleep. But she couldn't resist herself to sampling another strawberry cake from the buffet table as she was about to leave.

She waved goodbye to Juvia and Evergreen indicating that she was leaving, and was thankful when they didn't ask why she was leaving. They must have understood that she was tired and needed her rest. She then turned and left the palace with her cake in hand.

She was walking down an abandoned alley. Her dress scraping the floor along with her deep breaths being the only sounds to be heard and the cold air made her shiver. Despite this, she looked up at the sky and smiled to herself. "What a beautiful night it is."

She looked up and saw someone standing at the end of the alley. The silhuette had one foot on the wall with folded arms and a bent down head. Erza had trouble seeing who it was, as the only light on this abandoned street was from the moon. But as she drew closer to the person, she inhaled sharply.

"It can't be..." she thought to herself. There was no way this could be possible. He should have been miles away by now.

"Jellal." she whispered as his face came into view.

"You didn't think I would leave without saying goodbye did you?" he said, facing her completely. His handsome face on hers and his eyes were raking over every part of her body. "I couldn't do that to my Scarlet." he smiled slightly, making his hard, flawless features soften a bit.

"Jellal. What are you doing here? I thought you had left with Meredy after the war." Erza said trying to sound as calm as possible.

"Meredy said she had a few things to check in the next town and she insisted I didn't tag along, I'll catch up with her later. You're more important." he said, taking a small step towards her.
Erza couldn't believe what was happening. He had come back for her. She blushed at his statement and couldn't form a coherent sentence in her mind. She just couldn't stop looking at him, like this was all some sort of dream.

He took another step towards her, and she blinked several times unable to comprehend the situation. Her eyes wandered around his face, to see if this was actually happening. His tattoo, his hair, his eyes. All real. Jellal was here. Right now. With her.

The air became thick. Both of them had never really confessed their true feelings for each other and all the past opportunities they had were ruined. He kept walking towards her slowly, taking in her exquisite figure until he had her back against the wall. He put his hands on either side of her, so she couldn't escape. His eyes were on hers and they were looking into her soul.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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