Catching Jordan - Section 9

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“Woods,” Coach shouts, waving his clipboard. “The coin toss.”

I look up, my eyes blurred from tears, and find Carter and JJ jogging over to me. JJ takes my elbow in his hand and leads me toward the center of the field, whispering, “What’s wrong?”

“An Alabama alum is here to watch me,” I mutter.

“Awesome,” Carter replies, patting my back.

“I feel sick,” I reply.

“You’ll be great,” JJ says. “Northgate’s got nothing on us. Not with you playing.”

“Carter—can you do the toss?” I whisper, and he nods and pats my shoulder.

Carter calls heads. It lands on heads, and he chooses to receive.

“Thanks,” I mumble as we head back over to the benches. Henry runs out to receive the kickoff, and while I shake my shoulders out and drink some Gatorade, Ty comes over.

“What’s going on?” he asks, focusing on my eyes.


He puts his helmet under an arm and rubs the back of his neck with his other hand, peering at me. “You’ve been weird ever since, you know, we slept together. I’m sorry if you felt pressured, or anything…”

I so don’t need this right now. “It’s nothing like that. I just need to get in the zone for the game.”

Northgate’s set to kick off, and Henry’s bouncing around in the end zone getting ready to receive, and my knees are shaking. Partly because of the Alabama alum, partly because of Henry, but mostly because I feel like my entire life has changed in the past month.

I’m used to being in control, and even that’s gone. I gave up what I had left when I missed practice.

“You sure you can play?” Ty asks. “We can’t afford to lose if we want to make it to district finals.”

“I’m fine,” I say through gritted teeth.

“Good. Watch out for the corner blitz.”

“I know.”

He shakes his head and looks at the crowd for a few seconds. “After the game, we need to talk,” he says before walking over to stand next to Coach.

“Fanfuckingtastic,” I whisper to myself.

I scan the bleachers, looking for Mom—she’s sitting with Mr. and Mrs. H. I bet Henry’s glad his dad finally showed up at a game. Must be nice.

Mom stares down at me, concern etched on her face. “I love you,” she mouths.

I wave at her, thinking how much I needed that.

Northgate kicks off, and Henry makes it to the thirty before getting slammed to the ground. The team and fans erupt, screaming and clapping, and the marching band plays the fight song. I run out onto the field with JJ, who slaps my back before we get into formation. My hands shake.

“Z-spread eighteen,” I shout, and JJ hikes me the ball. I pedal three steps backward, scanning the field, then zip a short pass to Higgins. He jumps to catch the ball, but it sails right over his head. Incomplete.

“Damn it,” I mutter. I wipe my sweaty palms on my towel.

Back into formation.

JJ hikes the ball again. Keeping it simple, I hand off to Bates, and we gain fifteen yards. Nice.

Next play? I hurl the ball downfield to Henry, but he sidesteps a cornerback at the last second, and the ball lands directly in the cornerback’s arms.

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