
351 23 38


Jeon Jungkook

I was worried.

My daughter peacefully eating in the dining area as my wife suddenly excused herself to the bathroom, in a rush. She seemed a bit off this morning.

Is it because of last night or..?

"Appa, is everything okay?" Cheonsa asked with her cheeks stuffed with a mouthful of eggs, I smiled at how cute she was. Cute like her mother.

"I'll just check on your eomma okay?" I replied as I stood up, walking towards the restroom as I heard running water and a bit of coughing.

"Jagiya, gwaenchanayo?"

"Ne, just hold on a sec," she replied from behind the door, I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion but went back to my 2 year old daughter anyway.

I put away the dishes as Cheonsa ran around the backyard with the husky Jimin gave her on her birthday a few weeks ago. I smiled at how everything ended up this way, hopefully problems wouldn't find its way in our life again as it was finally getting its shit together.

"Jungkook, can you come here for a bit?" I heard Minhee's voice echo as I instantly walked over and knocked on the wooden door.

It was unlocked as I stepped inside, seeing Minhee looked at me with an unreadable expression.

She reached out her hand as I looked down and saw a white pregnancy test with two red lines.

I smiled hugely and hugged her, another little rascal to take care of.

I was in the lost of words however, I just couldn't bring my mouth to say anything. My heart was pounding fast and heavily, knowing now that Cheonsa was also gonna be a big sister.

"We need to see a doctor though," Minhee said as she looked back at the mind blowing result.

Suddenly, an idea popped in my head.

"How are we gonna tell Cheonsa?" She asked while smiling widely as well, oh her beautiful smile.

As if she was reading my mind. "We can surprise her once a bump starts to form, then show her the pictures of the baby inside your stomach. I can't wait for her reaction."

She simply nodded in agreement while looking back at the little girl playing with a cute blue eye and grey furred puppy.

"I hope it's a boy this time," I chimed while thinking of ways to teach him how to be the next golden maknae. Besides, he was created with my golden sperms anyway, I chuckled at my silly thoughts while looking down at my now pregnant wife.

"And if it isn't?" She crooked an eyebrow.

"I guess I'll just have to try harder until I get one," I winked as she slapped my chest playfully while pouting with a disgusted look. I faked a cry and held on to myself dramatically, laughing soon after.

"God, why did I marry this weirdo again?" She said while looking up to the ceiling, seemingly regretting and evaluating her life decisions.

I grinned, "you love this weirdo."

"Yes I do," she sighed in defeat as I smiled brightly. Just then, we walked out the bathroom and scurried outside with smiling faces.

"Appa, Eomma! Come play with me!" Cheonsa requested cheerfully while holding a happily barking puppy that was licking her face while sitting on her lap.

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