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characters: josh, simon
relationships: minizerk (platonic)
summary: josh is home alone and receives a phone call from simon who's in a worrying situation.


<josh's pov>

i ended my intro as i had always done it. i had just finished recording another random game on my own as the other three occupants of the house were out: jj was in his penthouse suite throwing another party, vikk was on holiday with his girlfriend kay, and simon was visiting his family in leeds.

the clock at the bottom of my computer screen read 11:45pm. my stomach rumbled loudly and i patted the clothed skin twice before removing my headphones from my head and placing them on the desk in front of me. i stood up and moved to the door, opening it and stepping out into the open hallway. the house was a comfortable silence and most of the doors were closed, save for my bedroom and possibly the kitchen on the ground floor. i walked around to the top of the stairs and looked out of the window. the silhouettes of the nearby trees waved gently in response to the november breezes and the oxford blue of the night sky bore a few visible stars and a dull moon which shone over london.

i drew the beige curtains closed and trekked down the stairs, the individual steps sometimes creaking from bearing my weight. i jumped down the final stair and walked around the banister to the darkened kitchen. as predicted, the door was open, so i walked straight through, flicking the switch as i set foot into the room. the room was suddenly bathed in light and i walked to the fridge. i opened the door and retrieved some  ham and butter from the shelves. upon closing the door with my knee, i placed the two items on the counter and reached for the open bag of bread.

after making the sandwich and grabbing a dr pepper, i walked out of the room, switching the lights off as i exited. i unintentionally looked down the corridor which led to the garage and living room. it was dark though, so i only vaguely saw the outline of the closed doors. i walked back up the stairs to my room, but when i passed the window at the top of the stairs i heard a small knock. my heart froze but as i cautiously peeled the curtain back, i saw nothing different to what i had seen before. shaking my head, i continued the walk to my bedroom.

at midnight, i decided to get some rest. i led down in my bed already having slid on my pyjamas and pulled the covers up to my chin. i rolled over to face the closed door and my eyes slowly shut closed.


my eyes shot open as i recognised the familiar buzzing sound of my phone receiving a text. i picked up my phone from the bedside table and turned the screen on. my eyes strained to look at the screen and read the preview of the text. simon's name appeared on my screen and i unlocked the phone to look at his text.

s: josh, you up?

j: yeah, why?

s: i need help.

j: with what, bro?

it took him several more minutes to text back.

s: josh i need help.

j: hang on i'll call you.

s: NO.

his reply came back so quickly and i knew something wasn't quite right.

j: why? are you in trouble?

s: josh, please, i need help

j: if i call you, it'll be easier, bro.

i waited for a response for several minutes. i decided to call him just to make sure he was okay.



be- "hello?"

simon's voice shook violently.

"simon, i'm worried about you. are you okay?"

"yes, josh. i'm fine."

"you sure?"

"yes, josh, i'm fine."

"you don't sound like it, bro-"

"josh, there's a figure standing outside my mum's house."

my eyes widened and i pushed myself up against the headboard.

"what? what do you mean a figure?"

"there's a figure. of a man. standing completely still- he's not moving, josh!" simon's voice rose as it quavered, and i could feel the colour draining out of his face.

"simon- simon, where are you?"

"at my mum's house in leeds- there's a man st-standing there, looking at me!"

"have you called the police?"

"yes, i told them where i am then i hung up- josh, please help me."

"bro, calm down and keep your eyes on him. keep listening to me, keep holding the phone, okay?"

simon audibly gulped. "okay."

"are all the doors locked? all the windows?"

"um, yes i think so."

"can you go to a room where you can lock yourself in further- what about your family, where are they, simon?"

"my- my mum is in bed and my brother is on holiday-"

silence fell upon the phone. "simon? simon, are you-"

"he's coming closer. he- he's shaking his head- josh i think he can hear us."

"don't panic, just listen to me. don't you fucking dare put the phone down."

a piercing scream shot through the speaker of my mobile followed by a soft thump - presumably simon's phone - and the sound of simon shuffling away.

"simon, pick up the fucking phone." my voice rose towards the end and i noticed that my face was now drenched in sweat. my heart thumped through my chest and my mind raced.

simon finally picked up the phone.

"his teeth- josh his teeth- he's grinning and shaking his head no, He's Thumping On The Glass."

"simon, please, don't panic, you'll be alright-"




the line went dead.






A/N: Hi! I thought I'd try my hand at a bit of horror. I'm in a horror mood. Just so you know, I'm not abandoning Leading The Blind - I just need some ideas for it. So in the mean time, have this. :)

Sweet dreams lmao.

This is loosely based on 'I'm A 911 Operator' by Reddit user HiggsThunder:

Also, if you want a request, leave a comment stating which Sideman/Sidemen, a ship (optional) and a vague summary. Just something I want to do for you guys. :)

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