the wardrobe

408 16 3

characters: josh, vikk

relationships: zerkstar (romantic)

summary: josh's nightly routine differs from vikk's. but what happens when something goes wrong?

requested by: Whales_Dying319


<third person pov>

every night, vikk completed a simple routine. josh had one too, except his was a lot different to his boyfriend's.

he had done this every night two minutes before midnight since he was a child of 11 or 12. the routine would last exactly two minutes and it must finish dead on midnight. josh wouldn't dare skip a night even once in fear of what might happen if he did.

before the routine begins, josh would go downstairs into the kitchen and find a candle and a match. once he reached his room again, he would light the candle and flick the light switch off. the room would be bathed in darkness, and he wouldn't be able to see anything apart from what lay a foot around him from the candle light. at 11:58pm, josh would walk forward a step at a time until he reached his wardrobe. he opens the far door (Never the nearest door) and steps in, closing the door behind him. he faces forward and closes his eyes, waiting to hear the light pat... pat... of the footsteps on the other side. at 12:00am, the footsteps would be heard leaving the bedroom window. he waits five seconds before he decides that it's safe to set foot outside the wardrobe. he then goes on with his morning before doing the exact same thing the following night.

however, this time it was different.

josh had got to the point of waiting for the footsteps to vanish when he heard his door creak open slowly.

"josh? joshie? you in here-" a piercing scream shot throughout the house (which was only home to vikk and josh at the present time) and josh grimaced as he heard a loud growl and a grumble before a light thump silenced the room.

josh desperately wanted to see if his vikk was okay, but deep down he knew that wasn't going to happen.

he waited five long seconds before opening the door and blowing out the candle, placing the smoking object upright on his bed. his face whipped around to see a body led perfectly perpendicular to his door.

vikk's body.

scratches were littered along his small frame and his left eye was completely ripped from his head. a long slit ran from above his crotch to the bottom of his neck, blood covering nearly every inch of his being.

josh began to cry, tears wetting his cheeks and landing on his lips and the floor. he trekked over to vikk and knelt down by him, his hand finding his wrist to check for a pulse.

"vikk. vikk!" josh wrapped his shaking arms around vikk's shoulders and he hauled him onto his lap. his fingers filed through his raven black hair and he cried harder, the cascade of tears running freely down his face and onto vikk's. "what the fuck, what the fuck!"

the blood continued to ooze slowly from his body, some droplets dripping down and staining josh's joggers. he placed vikk back onto the floor from his lap and he led alongside him, an arm wrapping around vikk's body. he hugged him tightly while whispering into his ear and soaking their clothes with tears.


A/N: I'm sorry that this was more emotional than scary. I'm not in the same horror-y mood as I was when I wrote 'phone' if that makes sense. But, anyway, here it is.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2016 ⏰

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