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                                                                  "WHAT DO YOU HAVE WITH HIM!!"

Lana wakes feeling like she is going to suffocate, she had just had the worst nightmare and it did not help that this day was a day she had not been looking forward too, she was certainly  not about to enjoy it. Today she was going to say goodbye to her dear husband and step-sons again. She had to go back to work, it is tough, but there was no way she could get out if it this time. She looks around the room and realize that Fred is already up, he is probably burning the kitchen down again , cooking is not his best skill. But she does get one moment alone in bed just her, and that makes if worth the possible doom her kitchen might be facing right now. There aren't that many moments like this, when she can just stay in bed alone surrounded  by silence. 


The silence broke and Jack, Lanas eldest boy was calling on her for something, but what exactly? Lana wanted to just ignore it for a little while longer, but he did not call for her again, and this worried her, so she jumps out of bed and throws on her robe, stumbling towards the stairs she finally hears quiet mumbling coming from the first floor and slows her pace just a tad. when she reaches the source of said mumbling she stops in the doorway of the kitchen only to find all of her favorite boys seated around a perfectly set breakfast table. 

"what is this?" Lana says with a big smile across her face. This really warms her heart, they had prepared this for her, just because she was going to leave today, it was so cute. 

"well there is my beautiful wife..good morning to you" Fred walks up to Lana and gently kiss her on her lips, every time feels like a dream to her even now after all these years. A memory washes over her like a sweet breeze in that moment, of her and Freds very first kiss, she remembers being awfully nervous and even a little scared, but the moment their lips touched it just felt right, like it was meant to be. 

"ewww!!" the boys on the other hand kind of hates it. Well they think its cute but they are also teenagers who thinks its gross to see their parents having a make-out session. "dad?" Fred looks at his eldest son "yes?" Jack just looks at them awkwardly and says "get a room" both Lana and Fred bursts into laughter and kisses over and over again just to mess with the boys. It is always fun to see how red their face can turn when Lana and Fred are intimate in front of them.

Hours go by fast and the moment has come for Lana to say goodbye once again to her family. It breaks her every time, but what makes it a little easier is that she knows she will see them again, and its not like she wont Facetime them every day she is gone, last time she kinda overdid it just a little bit and the boys were a little annoyed by it to be honest. 

"I am going to miss you mom" Jack was the first to speak. He may not have the same connection to Lana as his brothers do because he was older when Lana came into their lives, but he loves her just as much as everyone else, She is his second mom no matter what. She then says goodbye to her two other boys Pat and Mat as they like to be called. Mat is the one she had bonded the most with, he was just ten when she first met him, he was struggling a bit in school and both his parents had been oblivious, but not Lana, she noticed immediately and slowly made him open up to her, since then they have always been really open with each other and now they are closer then ever. Then time comes to say goodbye to Fred. 

"whats this?" Fred walks up behind Lana with her phone in his hand, She must have forgotten it back inside. A lump forms in her throat when she sees what is on it, it is the text messages that she had recently sent to Sean Maguire. 

"just know that I LOVE you Sean <3"

"I LOVE you too Lana <3 <3"

Lana can feel tears forming, this was not good, so not good. Fred thinks Lana has something more than friendship going on with Sean, and he has been watching Lana like a hawk lately because of it . No matter how many times she tells him that it is nothing, and that he is just a friend, Fred just cant believe her, and he is always trying to find proof that there is more to it than that. 

"WHAT DO YOU HAVE WITH HIM!!" Fred SCREAMS at Lana and she jumps back, away from his grip. Fred tries to move closer but Lana moves further towards the car that is now waiting for her in the driveway. "back away from me Fred" Lana tries in a calm voice not wanting this to end the way it did last time. Last time Fred had gotten so angry that he had thrown a vase in the wall right beside Lanas face, and some of the glass had bounced back and cut her chin open. The cut was deep, and the bleeding never seemed to stop, so they had to go to the hospital, she needed to get five stitches. Three days after she had to go to work, and they had to putt on three extra layers of makeup and even some prosthetic skin to hide the stitches. Lana was so ashamed of it, she only told Ginny what really happened. The others got a fake story of her tripping down the stairs cutting herself open in the fall.

Fred stops dead in his tracks, he puts Lanas phone down "I hope you enjoy work..I hope you enjoy him" and then he turns around and walks back inside without even a second glance back at her. Lana wants so badly to just scream and run after him and cry for him to forgive her, and she would have, if the boys were not standing right next to her. Lana picks up her phone and looks at the boys, they look confused, understandably so, they do not know about whats been going on, about the war that their parents are going through. She really thought that it would be over by now, she really did. She thought that they were finally in a better place, and that they had gotten through the worst of it, but apparently they had not.  It is going to take a lot of self-control and strength for her to act normal and professional at work now. 

"I am so sorry that you had to see that" Lana tells the boys before she turns around with a sad smile and walks to the car. This is going to be hell. But she is going to find some way to convince him that he is wrong about her and Sean, even if she has to bring the Evil Queen home to make him listen, because Lana is not about to loose her husband. 


I hope you guys liked this first chapter of my FLANA adventure.

So I have updated this chapter and changed a few things, just some grammar mistakes, and made some adjustments to the structure of the lines and the story as a whole. I have plans to continue this story, and will make changes in the other chapter aswell as posting more. 

So thanks to everyone who wants to read this story, and I would love to get feedback, always love to hear from my readers <3

Thank you <3                

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