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It was a blur, that's all the next time was as it passed to me. There was people and then she was taken away and I felt people around me.

I couldn't believe it and even moving seemed like the biggest task as I could feel the people still. Someone pulled me away thought I can't I'm too sure who it was.

My family I know, but which one was to far gone in my head for me to think at all. Then I was in a car and moving at a fast pace.

Then I was gone and sitting and I couldn't even think. It was all her and the thought of her made my half broken heart start cracking.

Like glass, like I was shot and I was breaking.

"Hunter." A voice said that was soft and made part of me want to look up.

The rest of me, so broken so damaged I couldn't. Her words kept playing back in my head.

I'm sorry.

It seemed so simple but it was just the end. The blood had dried on my hands and I found myself looking at it.

Was it the last of her, was that all I had left was dried blood.

"Hunter." The same voice said covering my hands with their own.

Hannah, the hands were soft and I knew they were my twins.

"I found this, I thought you might want it." She kept going softly now in my hands the single red flower.

It wasn't damaged at all, still so full of life and color. No blood no crouches the perfect flower for the perfect girl.

"Thank you." I said softly my voice so quiet I barely heard myself.

"I'm here." She said her body close as I stared at the flower.

I just blinked, my body not wanting to move but to cry. To crumble into the piece like my heart without her near me.

Around me, in my life it made me hurt so much I couldn't do it. I couldn't handle the infinite loss that would come with.

I felt Hannah's head on my shoulder and her body near me brought some comfort.

"Come on, let's wash your hands yeah." She said as she lead me away softly taking the flower.

She got us to a bathroom, setting the flower aside and turned on the water. I watched it wash away.

The blood, the water was red and came off in what felt like forever until it was gone. In reality it was probably a few minutes.

"There we go, it's all gone now." She said drying my hands as she handed me the Flower again.

I watched it with such a state of grief I couldn't move. I wanted to break but I couldn't not at all.

For her I had to be strong, wait it out because she had to be okay. I needed her, I loved her.

I wouldn't live without her, it felt like ruling out my heart and stomping on it a million times. Tiny glass chunks, that's all I had left.

"Why are we here Hunter." Taylor asked as she pulled down the dress a little.

It was purple and hugged her Chest flaring out against the bottom half.

"So I can do what I've been wanting to do." I said as I kept pulling her along the trail.

"What's that." She questioned as we arrived and I stopped.

The Necklace (Scott #2) Where stories live. Discover now