A Long Day

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Picture of Xavier cx

Cassidy's POV

I woke up in the morning and saw my drawer opened. I ran over to it feeling around for the money. It was gone."ISAIAH!!" I screamed running to his room. Bursting through his door I gripped him up and threw him into his dresser.

"WHERE IS IT?!" I yelled into his face. Just then I felt someone grab me and pull me off of him. It was my mother...again."I didn't touch it I swear!" Isaiah said hiding behind my mom. If he thought for a moment I believed him he was wrong.

"I took it and I hid it." My mom said fixing Isaiah's clothes. You have got to be kidding me."Give it back." I said sternly."No, you don't need all that money."

How do she know what I need? Who is she to even-...Am I not EIGHT TEEN?"It's mine. I do need it." I said getting upset. She rolled her eyes and started to walk downstairs."Mom!!" I called after her, but she ignored me.

I looked at Isaiah who was standing in his doorway."YOU." I said running full speed at him. He quickly shut his door locking it."You told her you fucker!!" I screamed banging on his door.

I went to my room and got ready for school. Since I'm already going to be late. I got dressed then left the house speeding to Camille's house.

When I got there she seemed...in a good mood."Trevor was at my house all night." She said buckling her seat belt. I pulled out of driveway heading towards the school."For what?" I asked because that's booty call hours.

"We just talked and talked." She said putting her feet on my dashboard."That's all it better have been." I said pulling into the school.

We got out of the car and hugged before going our separate ways. I walked into my class trying not to be noticed."You're late..again. Go to the office." Mrs. Jeffrey said pointing to the door. I sucked my teeth making my way to the office.

I turned the corner bumping right into Xavier."Damn you just busted your ass!" He laughed a little before helping me up."Are you ever in class?" I asked playfully tilting my head.

He gave me a hug. A long hug. When he pulled away he bent down and kissed me.Whoa. I pulled away unsure if I should be doing this or not. I put my head down confused.

"Baby trust me." He said lifting my chin up with his finger. He kissed me again.

"Ayo, This you now?" Trevor said dapping Xavier up. Are they ever in class? I'm not getting into trouble for skipping with them."I have to go the office." I said giving Xavier another hug and saying bye to Trevor.

Xavier's POV

I watched Cassidy walk away. Damn, that's all me."Come on." Trevor said walking out the school. I followed behind him. We go to school, but there's some days where we have to leave to handle our business. Yameen?

"Yo how you and Camille going?" I asked walking into the trap house. There was hoes and money everywhere. Smoke flooded the air. These niggas always in here smoking."I did not expect her to be that stuck up. She's breaking in though." Trevor said sitting on the couch.

"Hey Daddy. I missed you." One of the girls named Miya said. She sat on my lap and started to kiss on my neck."Damn, chill Miya get off of me." I trying to push her off.

She grabbed my package moving her hand in circles while she kissed my neck. I groaned starting to get into it."Miya. Get off of me or I'm going to shoot you." I said resisting her temptation.

I wasn't going to do Cassidy like that. When we talked in the car and she told me what was up I knew then."Mmm!!" We heard muffled screams coming from the back. Me and Trevor went to see what was going on.

All the workers were in a room surrounding me and Trevor's favorite old head. His name was Rick. He's been in this organization since before we were born."Ayo, Fuck going on?!" Trevor asked.

Rick was tied to a chair. He was beaten. Blood was dripping from his face."He's a narc." BossMan said coming into the light. Rick? A narc? After all these years? Nah, man I didn't believe it.

"Yo I don't believe that shit." I said clenching my jaw."Me neither." Trevor said shaking his head. BossMan threw a folder at our feet."Believe it!" He said we looked at the photos.

Awwe man. I don't want to believe it, but the evidence is sitting right here infront of me."What the fuck is this?!" I yelled throwing the photos at Rick's face.

"I looked at you as a uncle yo. You spoke the realest shit. Now look at you..." Trevor trailed off. He knew what was going to happen to him. Rick screamed into the cloth wrapped around his mouth.

"I can't even help you.. you're an Opp yo..." I said shaking my head. The closest niggas can be snakes."Now, Take this as a lesson." BossMan said getting a gun from someone in the room. Trevor looked at the ground.

"I want you to watch." BossMan said cocking the gun. This couldn't be happening. With three loud shots my once uncle was dead. Damn Rick.

I heard all the girls screaming in the next room."Go shut them up." BossMan said as he watched workers roll Rick's body up in blue tarp.  I went back in to the other room."Ayo shut the fuck up! And who said to stop working?" I snapped. They all started going back to what they were doing.
These hoes here.

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