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the hurricane

as the constant thoughts swirl around in his mind, he doesn't know that a storm is brewing within his soul

The wind blew in ghostly torrents throughout the gloomy city. The sky was a void of black and grey. All clouds seemed to be thundering hastily, while the rain poured.

People gathered on the streets with their black umbrellas in hand. The city erupted in the sound of applause as a classy limousine arrived.

When the door began to open, people with flashing lights swarmed around the vehicle. The citizens gazed at the young individual exiting the car whom was one of the wealthiest businessmen in New York.

The man was younger and his figure was tall and thin- covered by a suit that fit him perfectly and his auburn hair looked as soft as fresh silk. Not to mention, his lips had an exemplary shade of pink, and he had just the right amount of facial hair as well.

He smiled in delight of the crowd and waved his hands, being followed by young girls holding posters and men with expensive cameras.

The man continued to walk towards the now tallest building in New York- Preda & Company.

He owned the building and the business, and he was quite proud of his accomplishments.

The thunder continued to roar in the heavens, but that didn't stop the paparazzi from crowding the streets. The man has been used to being the celebrity icon that everyone wants to know about. His father was in the business industry before he was even born, and so he practically grew up in a rich family.

He is always in the news, always having interviews, always doing business and always getting more money.

And now he has his own building. He entered his building and removed his hands from his warm coat pockets, lined with wool. His workers took off his coat and closed his umbrella that protected his hair from the morning's rain.

"Good morning, Mister Preda", one of his servants said.

He didn't say a word and proceeded to the elevator, pressing the up arrow and made his way up to the 200th floor.

The door opened, allowing Mister Preda to step into his gorgeous office. His office was known as substantial and monumental, and he loved the design very much.

All of the walls were made of glass, which provided a view of the whole city. Many people loved the view, even if it was raining. Luckily, the man was the only one allowed up there unless a person has permission, of course.

The man sat down at his marble desk, and opened his computer and sighed. While looking through tons of business emails having to do with modeling and new expansions to his company, his assistant entered his office with a smile.

"Good morning sir, I brought you the usual, a caramel latte with extra caffeine."

He nodded, as he took his warm coffee from his assistant and sipped it slowly.

"Thank you, Hope. Now if you do not mind, I have a lot of emails to read and a lot of calls to take."

Hope smiled and shook her head and walked to the elevator while her heels clicked against the tile floor.

The phone began to ring and Mister Preda answered his first call with no hesitation.

"Hello, thank you for calling Preda and Company, this is Mister Preda. How may I help you?"

"Hello Mister Preda, I am calling in regards to your email that you me sent last night at 6:00?"

He thought for a second, swiping his finger on the edge of his laptop collecting the dust off of his screen.

"Oh yes, is this Connor-" He began to say, as he scrolled to the email he had sent. "Connor Franta?"

"Yes this is Connor. I was hoping we could have a meeting this evening and discuss our planned collaboration with our companies."

Connor answered professionally which Mister Preda was astonished by.

"That should be fine, I expect you to be here no later than 2:00pm."

Mister Preda hung up the phone and deleted the email reading Common Culture, which was Connor's business.

He scrolled through the thousands of emails, almost all of them having to do with sponsorships. He ignored almost all of them until he saw an email that caught his attention.

Mister Preda knew exactly what this email was, and he knew exactly who sent it.

He smiled, listening to the silent rain the was falling below his feet.

Everyone knew Mister Preda as an influential, rich, and secretive man. They knew him as someone who only cared about his business. He was never known to have had a lover, and he has always ran his company alone.

The media never understood why he is single, after being admired by so many people and being nominated for sexiest man. His whole life, the public thought he had dating no one.

What people didn't know was that he was a player, and he had one night stands almost every night.

This email in particular was a boy who he had made out with in a club after drinking a lot of alcohol. Tonight they planned on staying in a hotel room together.

As always, Mister Preda would hook up with a boy and screw them over, and leave them in the early morning when he would then go to work. He had never felt love towards anyone, and enjoyed the sexual pleasure.

No one knew about this, and if someone found out his secret it would be all in the media, which would effect his business and himself negatively.

Mister Preda tapped his fingers on the desk, ignoring the email. He sighed and continued to scroll through his mail and took another sip of coffee.

He kept thinking about his nights and how it wasn't the right think to do. The thoughts were making him angry which made it an even bigger problem.

When he is upset, it makes him want to hurt people. He would never hurt anyone physically, but he wants to hurt people emotionally.

Mister Preda was beginning to feel anger, and the rain beating on the windows did not calm him at all.

Their has been a storm inside of him, and he has wanted to unleash it for a while now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2017 ⏰

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