Yup I'm a Ninja

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Ok,so let me tell you a story about a girl who wants to be come a awesome cold blooded ninja assassin.Her dream went so far that she was able to do some witchy voodoo(that ran in her family) and open portals for different worlds.So being the fujoshi ninja assassin she is, she uh how do I say this. She had a awesome plan for each world she went in. And that plan was to kill the people she disliked and create yaoi relationships whether they liked it or not.
I'm Cheshire Beat and I'm that awesome girl,that's right this girl right here. So let me tell you the first adventure I went on......trying to remember....hold on......almost there.....
Oh now I remember I went to the Naruto World and cause some yaoi moments and relationships to happen (and took some secret photos that were worthy photos to make a fujoshi have a powerful nosebleed ). Anywhore here is the story.
Me being the awesome person I am hunted down some (once were alive but now dead)weirdos and took back the book(diary) that had my grandmother had. And let me tell you she had some juicy stories in there. And me being the nosey person I was in had flipped to the page that said these exact words "DON'T OPEN UNLESS YOU'RE STUPID AND WANT TO DIE". Me being the crazy mental person(ignore this part) read the next page out loud and blacked out. Man when I tell you I heard someone singing this song:

before I blacked out, I mean they were singing with all their heart.
So when I woke up I was by a lake and trees.....did I forget to mention that when I killed those weirdos it was in a New York alley with a bunch of awesome weapons a 14 year old shouldn't have in a black with blood red zippers backpack and a magical book(diary, grandma was to embarrassed to accept it, she was a tusndere).
Before I continue I need to tell you how I look. Ok, let's see I have a l.m.h.b.(light milky honey brown) left eye and a cat like yellow right eye. Waist length hair with black fade into blood red that fade into the white ends. I'm 4ft7 and living the wild life as a very awesome ninja assassin. I wear a mask that covers my nose and mouth it. The mask is dark purple with white stitches at the mouth part just so I can creep people out. And I wear blood redish black headphones that are permanently stuck on my head(someone tortured me and before I had escaped they had some how but working headphones that still play music that I like, stuck permanently on my head and I like it a lot).

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