The Signs Studying

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Is anyone back in school? This week will be my second week back and I'm already dreading papers and exams 😥 on the bright side I get to see my friend more cause my financial acct class is next to his intermediate acct class and we also have finite mathematics together 😀

Aries: tells themselves they are going to study about a week in advance, and starts studying about a day in advance

Taurus: waits until the last second to start studying the review sheet. Not any of the content the review sheet covers, just the review sheet itself

Gemini: takes five hours to make sure they have everything around them absolutely perfect so they can focus, and by the time they're done with that and start studying, it's sunrise on the day of their exam

Cancer: 30 minutes of studying, 15 minutes of break, 15 minutes of emotional breakdown over this test, repeat

Leo: studies for about 5 minutes then gets distracted for 5 hours

Virgo: sits down to study while listening to music, gets too into the music to get anything done

Libra: goes to the library, never comes back. I'm pretty sure I heard a Libra in the air vent yesterday, reciting definitions in a raspy voice

Scorpio: doesn't study and copies off someone during the test

Sagittarius: finds clever ways to bring information into the test that the professor won't notice

Capricorn: HA! Studying? Who even studies anymore? haha I can't focus on my studies with all this screaming in my head

Aquarius: makes flashcards, a study guide, and an outline of every chapter and falls asleep before they can study any of it

Pisces: studies a bottle of vodka

Libra though omg 😂😂

Tongue Tied//Grouplove
They're amazing and their new album is almost out! 💕

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