Ch.7 christmas tears

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Say what you wanna say

And let the words fall out

Honestly I wanna see you be brave

With what you want to say

And let the words fall out

Honestly I wanna see you be brave

I just wanna see you

I just wanna see you

I just wanna see you

I wanna see you be brave

I just wanna see you

I just wanna see you

I just wanna see you

I wanna see you be brave



Oh my moms picking up us all

J" hey Nicole's in the bathroom what's up your always fighting"

R"ask her"

M" Rachel I missed you who are you talking to"

R" oh umm I'm sorry this is joey"

She gives me that look dang it were talking now

M" excuse us"

J" go ahead"

She drags me off

M" I told you not to be his friend"

R" he was asking me why me and Nicole were fighting I told him ask her

M" ok"

We walk back Nicole's here

M" lets go

Soon we get home I run to my room i see Pokémon totoro and some more anime on the walls also other drawings and writings I look at my book shelf I see my drawings and poems and just some writing ahh I missed this place it's a beautiful town it's amazing I'll call some old friends let's see Erica angel and serria I get put them on speaker then I jump when Joey puts his arms around around my waist he picks me up

R" ahhh Joey put me down"

E" ohh who's joey"

A" yea"

R" Nicole's boyfriend"

S&e&a" ahh that sucks get out oh here Joey "

R" Joey put me down"

J" nope your coming with me"

I grab my phone

R" let's go"

I'm piggy back riding and we get to my old car

R" guys I got to go bye"

E." Bye"

R" what is it joey"

J I don't know where to go and Nicole's sleeping "

R" where to"

J" starbucks"

R" ok"


Soon I have most Christmas gifts bought yea we went shopping

R" I'm going out alone"

I call the girls we meet up at a local park

R" angel"

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