Chapter 2

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I had just finished packing and just collapsed onto my bed. I begged my mum to let me stay home tomorrow but nothin would change the fact that I had to go to school. I didn't have many friends. Just the main two best friends. Liza, the risk taker and Tessa the one that has got a personality that only Liza and I can handle.

It was morning and I left the house with a piece of toast in my hand and walked to school. It was only a couple of streets away. I got there and waiting for me at the front gates were my friends.
"Heyyyy! Last day at school for you, you're so lucky we are stuck here for two weeks without you." Said Tessa.
"Yeah I don't know what we will do without you, please don't go." Added Liza.
"Sorry guys but if I go I get that iPhone 6 I always wanted." I apologized with a grin.
We went into class and the day just slid away. It was the end of the day now and my mum and sister were waiting in the car already.
"Hi Emeruade how was your day?" Asked mum.
"Yeah it was fine." I replied.
"Alright then." My mum said.
We drove the rest of the ride in silence and when we got home I just lay on my bed and watched some movies. Time flew by and soon we were going to board our flight at 2 am. I decided to have a nap before we left for the airport.
To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2016 ⏰

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