Suigetsu Lemon

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We were walking in the rain. We had been for about an hour now. We had just gotten out of some woods and into a town. I was next to suigetsu holding his hand, Jugo was quiet just looking around at the surroundings, and Karin was, as usual, right beside Sasuke trying to get him to notice her. Sometimes she even gave him what she called 'sexy looks'. She was persistent even with Suigetsu making comments about how Sasuke didn't like her in anyway and just looked at her as a teammate maybe not even that.

I didn't have anything against Karin. She wasn't mean to me, we didn't argue that much,  and we had nothing to hold against each other. I did stand my ground though when she would hit or yell at Suigetsu. She would always ask how I could put up with him. I would always reply with, "he's not as bad as you think he is." To which she would always have a comment that was rude about him. I would shrug it off and go on about my day.

I looked down at the necklace Suigetsu gave me and gave it a light squeeze with my other hand. It wasn't anything big or fancy just a silver chain with a small key on it. He said it was his brothers before he died.

Suigetsu and I were sitting on a rock as he drank some water from his water bottle. It was pretty hot so I couldn't blame him for wanting to take a break. We were in a desert after all. "Suigetsu, you always want to sit and drink some water. You can drink and walk, you know." Karin said.

"Maybe I just want to rest for a minute. You guys can go on ahead. I'll meet you in a few minutes. That'll give Karin some time to try and flirt with Sasuke."

"Excuse me! I don't flirt with Sasuke, you watery freak!" Karin yelled.

"Karin, you're proving his point by acting defensive about it." I said. "I'd like to rest some too. We'll meet you guys in a few minutes." Sasuke nodded and started walking again with Karin and Jugo following close behind.

"How can you be so calm with her?" Suigetsu asked. We weren't dating at this point, but we were close friends.

"Don't get me wrong. She can be annoying. I can just deal with it better than you can." I said with a smile. When I was younger and living with my family I had two brothers and one sister. I had to learn how to be calm in arguments. Especially since my mother had headaches a lot.

He chuckled. "I bet you couldn't last a week in the same room with her."

"Probably not. I think I'd have to borrow your sword for a couple minutes." I joked.

He laughed. It suddenly became quiet. I saw him reach into his pocket and take out a necklace. It was a pretty silver chain with a key on it. "Hana, Have you ever thought of me as anything more than a friend?" Suigetsu asked me finally looking at me. I had never seen this side of Suigetsu. Him asking a question like that wasn't something you'd hear everyday. Not even once a year.

I was left speechless. I had always liked him more than a friend. To me he was more than just a guy who likes to kill. When we were together he had something no other guy I had dated before had. I didn't know what it was, but it kept me always wanting to talk to him or even just be around him. "Yes." I finally said with a blush creeping up on my face.

I saw a small smile forming on his lips. "Then I'd like you to have this necklace. It was my brothers before he died." He gestured me to come closer so he could put it around my neck. After he put it on I turned around. "It looks good on you. Better than it would on me." He said. My blush deepened.

If it wasn't noticeable before it was very noticeable now. "I don't like many things besides killing, but I like you. Would you be my girlfriend?"

I nodded not being able to speak because it felt like any words I could say were trapped in my throat.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2017 ⏰

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