Chapter 7: Moms stew

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Kyles POV 

When I caught Stan staring at me I couldn't help smirk as he looked away. I noticed Ike was walking away, he glared at Stan slightly as he said good night and walked out the door. 

"I think we should get to bed soon too." Da'vid said stretching his arms as he yawned, seeing him yawn made me yawn after him and then it spread over to Stan, it's kind of funny when you think about it... at least it was funny to me. I smiled to myself thinking about it. 

"Okay so whose gonna sleep on the floor?" Stan asked. The only reason he did ask is because out of habit when Cartman and Kenny sleep over with us, Cartman and Kenny usually sleep on the floor. 

"I will." Da'vid said smiling, he was always the polite one at school not wanting to get in the way of the people he liked, he's a really nice guy, what i don't understand tough is why Stan's been glaring at him every once and a while... it doesn't sound like they got in a fight at all, plus David is very friendly with Stan. 

We got Da'vid's sleeping bag set up and turned the light off. At the first fifth teen minutes after we said our goodnights I could hear Da'vid lightly snoring, other wise it was silent for a while until Stan turned to my side, 

"Want to get a late night snack?" he asked quietly not trying to wake Da'vid up, even though it was dark I could see his face so I expected he could see mine. I nodded, Stan and me got out of bed and quietly sneaked to the door leaving, by the stairs I could hear the fridge door being opened from downstairs. 

Ike's POV 

I got up with an empty stomach and decided to make some beef stew that mom left inside the fridge. Shortly after I opened the fridge I could hear the stairs creek, Stan followed by Kyle walked into the kitchen. Kyle stared at me with a nonchalant look on his face, Stan on the other hand had a confused look on his face,

"Shouldn't you be in bed?" Stan asked,

"Same to you, it's three in the morning." I exclaimed,

"No way! It feels like it's only been fifth-teen minutes since we went to bed." Kyle said looking at the clock, he sat down at the table and pointed at the oven gesturing innocently, "So, whatcha cooking?" Stan leaned on a counter near by,

"I'm making dad's leftover stew, but there's barely enough for two bowls so one of you will have to starve for tonight because one of those bowls are mine." I said crossing my arms, 

"You can have it." Kyle said facing Stan, Stan looked shocked for a second, 

"But I'm the one that dragged you down here, you can have it."  He said, Kyle gave him a sad look but smiled innocently, what a devil, then again I did learn from him. 

"That's true... but I only came down here because you wanted me to, I'm not that hungry I just wanted to talk to you alone." Kyle said smirking, I could see a slight blush form on Stan's face, he probably didn't expect Kyle to say that.

"Why don't you two just share?" I asked pouring the rest of the stew in two bowls, I put one bowl on the table with one spoon, I smiled to myself as both Kyle and Stan blushed. If they ever dated I don't know how either one of them would get the courage to make the first move. Kyle pushed the bowl over to Stan, he sat down and started eating while the three of us had a conversation over what I was doing with my friends while Kyle, Stan and Da'vid were upstairs earlier. Stan suddenly pushed the now quarter full bowl over to Kyle, 

"You can have the rest I'm not hungry." he said looking over to Kyle with a forced smile on his face, Stan look rather tired now. 

"Thanks." Kyle said not arguing with the fact Stan had been eating with the same spoon Kyle was going to use, which was surprising because even tough Stan and Kyle are best friends... Kyle's grown into a pretty big germaphobe, more than when he was at my age, also, why didn't Kyle just grab a new spoon?

While I tried continuing my story of all the funny things that happened with me and my friends something caught my eye, Stan was watching Kyle intently while Kyle stared at the bowl in front of him taking small bites savoring it. After I had finished my story Kyle caught that I had been staring at Stan... who was... staring at him.

"What?" Kyle asked with a questioning tone,

"Nothing, I just thought you were a germaphobe." Stan said smiling,

"I am, I'm just too tired to care." Kyle said back his voice cracking in the middle of his sentence, he immediately brought his hand to his mouth in shock while Stan laughed his ass off, I stood there in silence watching them...

After I finished up eating my food, I headed up stairs with a realization, I felt heat run into my cheeks.

I want them to date so badly I think I'm going to help Stan out a lot more.

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