In My Life

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Verse One

Have you ever felt lost? Like you didn't know what to do?
Where to go? What to say?
If you've ever felt any of those things, then you'll know about where I am in my life
What I go through every night
Every time I sit down with the pen, and put ink to the pad
I feel like I'm writing away my life
But that's what this is supposed to be like for me, writing off my problems
Writing off everything I wish I could be finished with
Writing down every wish I've ever made, every prayer I've ever prayed
And whether or not God is listening, I don't know
But one thing I do know, is that I can't ever give up on this fight
Not until I'm done, not until I'm gone
So as I sit here and write, I wish I could just grow wings and lift off into flight
And just fly high like I used to do so long ago
Fly away from the pain, and above the clouds where I can't feel the storm's pouring rain


I still don't know what I've been doing, I still feel like I've been losing every fight I've ever fought,
In my life
And I just wanna take this moment to apologize for all the pain I've caused in my life
I just who's I knew what to do that would make this all feel right
In my life

Verse Two

Sometimes j just wish I could let these walls fall, but I know I cain't
Because if I do, then my house is gonna fall right on top of me
But here I am, writing another song, listening to Lucid as I do
And in the back of my mind, I know that I'm still secretly pissed off
Because these words are something that they will never see
It ain't ever gonna make a difference to me if they do, maybe to them
Maybe they'll finally realize what I've been going though
It's come time that I don't know what to feel anymore
And at the moments in my life I don't know what to write, or what I'm writing for
But I keep writing on for all my homies out there living like I'm living
Paycheck to paycheck, working every day and
Not ever giving a damn for what anyone thinks of me
But here I go saying I give a damn for what one person thinks of me
Them and that one person's family, it's broke me down
The day they called me unstable was when I truly changed
But for the better or worse I still don't even know
And all this happened over a year ago, but I still remember this time like it was yesterday


I still don't know what I've been doing, I still feel like I've been losing every fight I've ever fought,
In my life
And I just wanna take this moment to apologize for all the pain I've caused in my life
I just who's I knew what to do that would make this all feel right
In my life

Verse Three

But still here I sit, just writing what's on my mind as I listen to the beat of Lucid
With the lyrical skill of Dre, and the determination of Marshall
Praying to God everyday with the strength and faith of NF
But as far as I have gone in my life, sometimes I wish I could just press rewind
Back to the better times if my life, back to when I was still able to sleep at night
I know I said I had, but to be honest with you
The past is something I still have not learned how to let go
God says to live in the moment you're already in
But my mind is running ahead in the time yet to come
And left behind in the moments already gone and done


I still don't know what I've been doing, I still feel like I've been losing every fight I've ever fought,
In my life
And I just wanna take this moment to apologize for all the pain I've caused in my life
I just who's I knew what to do that would make this all feel right
In my life

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2016 ⏰

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