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This is it. I am going to die. I know this because of the searing pain in my side where the poisoned arrow buried itself in my flesh, because of all the people who could possibly help me laid around me, already dead, in this abandoned alleyway in the middle of a deserted town and because of the world around me slowly, so very slowly, slipping away, out of my grasp.

It's sad, I suppose, that all of this had to happen on my 18th birthday. All I wanted for my birthday was a new car, as I had recently passed my driving test, not all this. I had invited all my friends to a big party at my house (my parents were on a free holiday for two in Portugal for two weeks) and we were all having a great time. My best guy friend, Jace, was setting off some fireworks on the path outside and everyone was watching and cheering him on when a group of men appeared and shot everyone. Most of the arrows were clean shots to the head or heart but, lucky me, I got the one arrow in the side because I was moving around to the music that was booming out of the outdoor speakers when I was shot. All the bodies were moved to this alleyway, where I know I will take my dying breath.

Wondering how much time I have left,I carefully lift my shirt to check the wound and immediately regret my decision. It looks worse than before. Green, spidery lines are stretching from the head of the arrow, all the way up my side. Blood drips out from the hole as I move into a slightly more comfortable position. Knowing I only have minutes left, I begin to recite the names of my loved ones, ones that are all dead around me.
"Leah, Kylie, Brittany, Mum, Dad, Jace, Auntie Becca, Uncle Ryan..." I croak. "Sue, Kira, Grandad Michael, Grandma Lisa..."

Suddenly, my head begins to swim and the world starts to disappear. No, no, NO! I can't die yet! I haven't said goodbye...

All I see is blackness. Everywhere I look, there is utter blackness until I spot a tiny flicker of light, beckoning me towards it. As I draw closer, I realise that it is a keyhole to a door. There is something engraved on the door.
"Open this door to live again" I manage to read. Underneath, another message appears. " You will awake as a newborn baby. Only for the first minute of your new life will you remember your past."

Taking a deep breath, I grasp the doorhandle and twist it. As the door swings silently open, I whisper, " Goodbye, cruel world," and step into the blinding white light.

I blink, my eyes adjusting to the light. Memories of what happened just moments ago, flash through my mind. Then, all too quickly, it disappears. I am a lost, wailing baby, in a bright, white room full of people smiling at me. I stop crying and giggle, liking the attention everyone's giving me. I hear a soft voice in my ear and I turn towards the noise. I see a woman, looking pale but happy, and I wave my arms in greeting. She tickles my stomach but I don't like it and I begin to wail again. I'm suddenly picked up, bounced along a long, white corridor and into a very loud room filled with more wailing babies. I ignore their screams as I fall fast asleep, drifting into dreamland.

Death #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now